Saturday, March 27, 2010


You know, its always a frightening prospect to think that come September, all of us will have to walk under a dark and menacing cloud of the O levels. And indeed these fears are very real, much as I would throughly like to believe otherwise.

Come hell or high water, we would still have to undergo this pressure, this pressure, the sensation of having to drink from a fire hose. I can feel it, and the thing that worries me most is- what if I cant handle that pressure? What if I decide to commit suicide during the last minute or something? I don't know, I could just be raving mad and spouting nonsence.

Also, what if I disappoint someone I really, really, honestly, want to please? Someone I admire? Who always tells me to jia you and that she'll always be there for me and be my listening ear? What if I disappoint her?

I don't want to contemplate the consequences.

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