Monday, November 16, 2009

Okay. I've got to tell you this. Sometime weird happened this morning.
It was roughly 9.30, and I was in my room reading Diary of Anne Frank. My mum walked into the master bedroom, just across the landing, to find out that the room hadn't been mopped. So she turned to the domestic helper, who was cleaning out the windows, why the room hadn't been mopped although it should have under normal circumstances. Here was their convo.(yes I overheard it)
Mum: Siti( that's the domestic helper's name), you never mop the room?
Siti: Yes, ma'am, I havent mop yet.
Mum: Okay, pls get it mopped soon. (prepares to walk out)
Siti: I cannot.
Mum: Why?
Siti: Mop Missing!
Mum: (stares at Siti) what?
Siti: The mop missing!
Mum: BOTH(we had 2 mops) missing?!
Siti: Ya.
Mum: Where did you put it?
Siti: I dunno ma'am, I search here search there cannot find, not downstairs not upstairs.
Mum: Cannot be. House got Hantu( ghost in malay) ah?
Siti: ...... No.
Mum: I dun believe.

The convo cont.. but I cant quite remember portions of it as yet. But anyway, the 2 mops went mysteriously missing( and we cant fingure out why) , but the hunch is that she's using it as an excuse to get hold of more valuable items. The last time I lost my E dic. And sometime before someone hopped over the fence on the ground floor in the middle of the night and stole my shirt and my mum's blouse with a broch on. That at least I can make sense of. But i mean, a mop! Why would anyone in their right mind steal a mop? Aish.

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