Monday, July 27, 2009

Would I say that'll be the freakiest thing I've ever done. I felt as if I was renacting a scene from the Travelling Palette. Sher, Elizabeth, Ping En and I were all following one teacher. I kept saying, "will you ever believe this is happening?" and Shermaine was like, " no..." (as usual)

FOund out later we were to be tourguides for the art exhibition near the old supreme courts. The art exhibition consisted of art works from AEP schools all over, be it JC, secondary schools,etc. And to think we were to introduce artworks not created by us.

TO cut a long story short, it was boring. BORING, but freaky at first before the novelty of introducing people to the same artwork and sounding like some recorder wore off. WAnted to camp whore but had little time to do so=/ So no photos yea. Sad sad..

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