Wednesday, January 27, 2010


How we live our lives, wandering aimlessly amongst all things around us, we see people, our friends, rise and soar, they acomplish things that we think we cannot, why? Living each day at a time, living each moment, as if it you have an eternal life, enjoying not the crests and troughs of lifestyle, enjoying not the joys of being on this earth while others yearn this lost opportunity. Do we aim to live a life of lost, forgotten, crushed hopes and dreams? Do we yet not realise the limitations of a human heart, and the limitations of humans themselves? What do we aim to do in life, without a talent? Talent, a God given gift to everyone, yet we must find and search for it, through happiness and displeasure, and do not think that God has never bestowed you with a gift- for you are wrong, He has. Above all be at peace with yourself and always strive to be happy, even if the people around you let you down or turn the other cheek, remain true to your morals and your heart. Do not find hurt in nursing any broken heart if someone turns you down, for they have themselves to blame, they have themselves a conscience they have wronged, for you are not, therefore do not be unhappy.
We are no less than anything on this earth, we have a right to be where we are, so be blessed, live life, and be at peace with God, no matter what you do.

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