Saturday, July 5, 2008

birthdays-pains and pleasures

Its funny when they say," many happy returns of the day!" on your birthday. Its like they are wishing that you will only be happy on your birthday, when actual fact is that you should be happy everyday and 'live your life to the fullest'. Thing is, its not human to live like its a 'merry,little land' everyday and we all do feel annoyed or upset some certain day. Sometimes you just don't feel like talking to a certain person, or you just feel snappy when someone talks to you about 'crap' things. See, to err is a human. Some simply don't understand that fact. (eg. i baked a cake and burnt it on my 1st attempt and got a shelling). I don't get it. Others treat you well only on your birthday. What?! i can't be normal on other days?

But sometimes they do bring some good too. Besides the routine of eating cake, gifts, singing the all too familiar' happy birthday to you', you get that good feeling inside that , wow, this only occurs once a year, and you plus an extra candle to that cake. thing is, what really is the significance of the cake etc.? Iam betting that you don just eat a' something floured, baked with yeast- wow ! you get a cake! ' on your birthday. well sure, you don't buy that big a cake on normal days, but surely you eat bread, that's flour and yeast too.

Here's another thing, i refered to days which arent your birthday as' normal days', didnt i? Its like trying to say that having your birthday is abnormal, or should i say, special, if you want the optimistic way. GTG now. Going for AEP at 1.00

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