Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Trust me. Someday, you'll see that it's all worth it."

I'm tired. Yes I'll admit that for once.

Prelims are coming soon. This will be the most major exam I'll be sitting for in my entire 2 years of JC. And to make this entire journey ( one hell of a journey though I must say) worth it, I've only got that much time. 

I don't even know what you're doing sometimes Ju.
Teachers are literally breathing down your neck, chasing you for extra lessons and tutorials because you're just that incompetent. I don't know. Some nights I just lie awake and think, what the hell am I doing in this JC? I'm not cut out for this. Some nights I lie in bed, almost crying and feeling all too strongly that I should just let myself spiral downwards. Then I force myself to snap out of it because there's absolutely no use thinking such thoughts now. I don't have a choice. Push on.

That's exactly what Chu told me the other day, in fact. "Don't think such things now. You think of it now, you're going to fail your As. Don't even think that there's a second option- not poly, not revisiting CJ as a 3rd year student, and most certainly not drop out. There's no time for this. "

And yeah, he's right. What's left of the time isn't a lot, and I most certainly don't have time to waste on trivial matters. Studies come first, no matter what. And ultimately, since you've wasted so much sweat, blood and tears ( literally in all 3 scenarios) on JC, why not give it your best shot? Nothing to lose, everything to gain. 

Cmon Ju. You'll only be defeated if you let yourself be defeated.

And you know what's the best thing this time round? The fact that no matter how much you feel like giving up, someone's always going to be there for you. At least, that's my motivation. 

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