Prelims in 2 days.
48 hours.
I don't even know how to begin that I am so mortally scared. I'm on the verge of snapping, yet no one sees it. No one but myself. And the only reason why is probably because everyone else is facing the same problem too. The only reason, and perhaps, strangely, the only source of comfort.
I'm tired. I'm tired of this whole education system. I'm struggling so hard to remain calm in here but each time studies is brought up I'm always just that close to falling apart. I won't, I know. I've been holding myself together for so long that no one realises this, anyway. They move on with their lives (can't blame them, obviously) and at the end of the day, each of us have to go to our graves in our own way, as pessimistic as this sounds.
Maybe I could be PMS-ing. It could be, because I usually don't get so touchy over matters like this. And that. And a whole lot of other matters too that I still remain closed up to others because there's no use in them knowing and because they're not going to understand, anyway. It's petty of me- I'm making a mountain out of a molehill and I'm being childish, immature and stupid. For some matters, there's a pretty simple solution- ignore it too, the next time. Don't need to be so damn eager. I swear Ju, your over-eagerness has already proven to you that it's more of a bane than a boon so just CALM your eagerness down. Be more 'sua'. (Make sure being nonchalent does NOT actually manifest in REAL nonchalence or boom, everything will go downhill) Stop being so randomly angry at things that aren't meant to get upset over. I don't know why. I don't know how to express it either.
For other matters, there's no choice but to be ignorant. No matter how angry, no matter how upset you may be with the situation at hand, just ignore it. Repress it if you must. Even if it upsets you to the core, there's nothing you can do. NOTHING. Nothing will ever be said, and things will just die a natural death if you let it. Yes, it'll blow up now and again. Yes, things may get worse when the As near because everyone's so stressed (or, it could die down for the very same reason), and yes, your morals and resilience will be tested to their very maximum. Still, since there's nothing I can do and technically everything I could do, I'd pick the former.
The last matter will be, no shit, studies. I'll probably spend nights sitting in front of my notes, tearing my hair out till I look like a bloody cancer patient with chunks of hair all over, crying fervently and wishing you never had to sit your As, and drinking insane amounts of coffee to stay awake and mug your notes. You cannot die out. You cannot burn out. This time, this A levels, is your BIGGEST EXAM EVER. GET THAT INTO YOUR HEAD. YOU CANNOT GIVE UP, YOU CANNOT END UP LIKE someone AND FLUNK EVERYTHING. YOUR PARENTS ARE NOT SENDING YOU OVERSEAS like that someone. LOCAL UNI. LOCAL UNI. LOCAL UNI. NOTHING ELSE.
Also, this time you're going to be facing your As alone. ALONE. No one to cheer you up, no one to text you and tell you to sleep early, to not stress out, to keep moving forward. You're alone, and you're going to crying into your bloody pillow alone if you have to, you're going to have to get up alone and get everything done alone, walk into the exam hall and finish that paper alone, walk out of the exam hall and study for the next paper alone, hell, even END the As alone (not that it's anyone's fault) But the fact of the matter is that you're going to be independent, and you're going down into that exam independently, you're going to walk out independently, and you're going to say that you've accomplished everything yourself.
Right so I actually let everything out. I don't know why. Like I said, I'm very touchy these days, I get upset easily over the smallest damn issues, and I ultimately still wish I didn't have to take this damn As and just escape to a resort or something in Hawaii. But that would mean escapism, and while it's a form of relief, it's not a very courageous way to deal with things because running away doesn't solve a damn thing. (like drinking, because after you become sober, your problems still exist.)
I know I'm not dead. I know I still have hope. So the mentality of 'Die on your feet, not on your knees' does not exist (because that only refers to people who, well, intend to make the best of the worse situation they've got).I actually want to come out alive. Alive and triumphant.
I feel like hell, and I can feel myself snapping somewhere deep within the core. ( yes Geog student.)
I can't do anything about it.
Time for work.
48 hours.
I don't even know how to begin that I am so mortally scared. I'm on the verge of snapping, yet no one sees it. No one but myself. And the only reason why is probably because everyone else is facing the same problem too. The only reason, and perhaps, strangely, the only source of comfort.
I'm tired. I'm tired of this whole education system. I'm struggling so hard to remain calm in here but each time studies is brought up I'm always just that close to falling apart. I won't, I know. I've been holding myself together for so long that no one realises this, anyway. They move on with their lives (can't blame them, obviously) and at the end of the day, each of us have to go to our graves in our own way, as pessimistic as this sounds.
Maybe I could be PMS-ing. It could be, because I usually don't get so touchy over matters like this. And that. And a whole lot of other matters too that I still remain closed up to others because there's no use in them knowing and because they're not going to understand, anyway. It's petty of me- I'm making a mountain out of a molehill and I'm being childish, immature and stupid. For some matters, there's a pretty simple solution- ignore it too, the next time. Don't need to be so damn eager. I swear Ju, your over-eagerness has already proven to you that it's more of a bane than a boon so just CALM your eagerness down. Be more 'sua'. (Make sure being nonchalent does NOT actually manifest in REAL nonchalence or boom, everything will go downhill) Stop being so randomly angry at things that aren't meant to get upset over. I don't know why. I don't know how to express it either.
For other matters, there's no choice but to be ignorant. No matter how angry, no matter how upset you may be with the situation at hand, just ignore it. Repress it if you must. Even if it upsets you to the core, there's nothing you can do. NOTHING. Nothing will ever be said, and things will just die a natural death if you let it. Yes, it'll blow up now and again. Yes, things may get worse when the As near because everyone's so stressed (or, it could die down for the very same reason), and yes, your morals and resilience will be tested to their very maximum. Still, since there's nothing I can do and technically everything I could do, I'd pick the former.
The last matter will be, no shit, studies. I'll probably spend nights sitting in front of my notes, tearing my hair out till I look like a bloody cancer patient with chunks of hair all over, crying fervently and wishing you never had to sit your As, and drinking insane amounts of coffee to stay awake and mug your notes. You cannot die out. You cannot burn out. This time, this A levels, is your BIGGEST EXAM EVER. GET THAT INTO YOUR HEAD. YOU CANNOT GIVE UP, YOU CANNOT END UP LIKE someone AND FLUNK EVERYTHING. YOUR PARENTS ARE NOT SENDING YOU OVERSEAS like that someone. LOCAL UNI. LOCAL UNI. LOCAL UNI. NOTHING ELSE.
Also, this time you're going to be facing your As alone. ALONE. No one to cheer you up, no one to text you and tell you to sleep early, to not stress out, to keep moving forward. You're alone, and you're going to crying into your bloody pillow alone if you have to, you're going to have to get up alone and get everything done alone, walk into the exam hall and finish that paper alone, walk out of the exam hall and study for the next paper alone, hell, even END the As alone (not that it's anyone's fault) But the fact of the matter is that you're going to be independent, and you're going down into that exam independently, you're going to walk out independently, and you're going to say that you've accomplished everything yourself.
Right so I actually let everything out. I don't know why. Like I said, I'm very touchy these days, I get upset easily over the smallest damn issues, and I ultimately still wish I didn't have to take this damn As and just escape to a resort or something in Hawaii. But that would mean escapism, and while it's a form of relief, it's not a very courageous way to deal with things because running away doesn't solve a damn thing. (like drinking, because after you become sober, your problems still exist.)
I know I'm not dead. I know I still have hope. So the mentality of 'Die on your feet, not on your knees' does not exist (because that only refers to people who, well, intend to make the best of the worse situation they've got).I actually want to come out alive. Alive and triumphant.
I feel like hell, and I can feel myself snapping somewhere deep within the core. ( yes Geog student.)
I can't do anything about it.
Time for work.
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