Saturday, December 29, 2012

They say, don't ever compare to the past, instead, look ahead, because that's where your future lies.
I say, if you don't look back at the past, how would you know what changes to make to the future such that the future becomes better? Or perhaps, how would you know you're better off now?

I've written about it before, but I can't help thinking that the huge irony my whole life has been thus far hasn't been a waste. It was a good learning experience back then, and yes, I'll admit that I had fun while learning it. And that had I not learnt it, perhaps I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Simply put, it took me long enough to find the correct person, the one person who's interconnected with my past just sufficient for me to see how different 2 friends may be.
I used to think he was like Nic, but my perspectives have changed so drastically over these 2 years.

As this year comes to an end, all I can say is, thanks for the memories. And thanks to all those who've made an impact in some way or other, especially to those who were in my life for just that short period of time to let me learn something about myself.

Either way, I'm ending this year on a good note, and a happier one at that. Let's hope it stays this way for as possible.

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