Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Of yesterdays.

3 more hours till I become legal to drink and drive ( NO, not simultaneously). Yay, I'm 18. Or going to be in 3 hours time.

It's a strange feeling really. No, I wouldn't say that it's anything different from what I've been feeling most years ( because all that physically changes is another candle to the cake) but more a different sense of responsibility, I guess?

This is probably a mere dress rehearsal to the day I eventually hit the legal adult age of 21. But then again, with liberties granted and perhaps a equally liberated sense of freedom, it's a whole new world out there still waiting to be tackled. I mean think about it- in the past 17 years of my life, I've made mistakes- a whole lot of mistakes that cannot be erased. I've hurt, been hurt, and somehow ( in a rather misguided way now, I must imagine) managed to pick myself up, learn from the mistakes and carry on with life. Without so much as breaking a bone. Somehow.

I guess you can count me lucky for not having suffered anything serious( and by that, I don't mean just physical injury) now that I think about it, but back then, each mistake felt like it was the last straw. But there's always something bigger, isn't it? There's always something that makes you want to carry on, despite the hurt and the pain. And in my case, there's more than just one thing. I've had my friends, who tirelessly kick me out my misery and nudge the truth into me each time I lag behind. I've had my closest friend as a bastion to cheer up me when I'm down and (sometimes even painfully) slap the truth into my when I need it the most, despite the fact that there are times we share common and simple joys.

And it is to this friend that I say perhaps, the greatest thank you. You've allowed me to grow into the person I am today. How so, that, I shall only leave you to decide because that isn't something that I should say- I'm no good judge of my own growth. But all that aside, thank you for just being there, and for being my bastion. No person has ever reached this level, whereby I can trust you wholeheartedly with anything I say, and someone who wouldn't judge me even if I told you I like to dance around the room in a bikini at 2am in the morning ( not that I do, of course). But yeah, it's an amazing feeling to have found someone I can almost consider a kindred spirit, someone whom I'm totally unafraid of expressing my true emotions in front of, and someone whom I can say, with absolute certainty, that we'll remain the best of friends for a long, long time.

2 and a half hours more. I guess I should be ready to tackle and handle the world it needs to be handled. Even if it's possibly going to be a new experience. 

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