Each time I speak with you, I come out like a shirt fresh from the washing machine- wrecked, twisted and crumpled. Thing is, I don't exactly know how's its humanely possible for someone to get on one's nerves so often.
This is going to be a major ranting session. Please do not put yourself through the pain of having to read this text, if you have something that's more productive than, well, this.
Well, I'm going to try and force myself not to rant, but here's what I think- you're the most judgemental person on this planet, strutting around and making arrant comments at people whom you- get this- don't even know. You make baseless, stupid accusations which prove nothing of the mental capability you so often crow about, and for which only serve as an even greater platform for the rest of us to look down on you.
I'm not being unfilial- get this straight. I'm only saying you're driving the rest of us crazy. You know how the push-pull factor works for most people in helping them make a decision? Yeah, you're the extreme 'push' factor which is driving me both up the wall, and out of this place. And it's not just me. You're making baseless accusations about my FRIENDS as well. You tell me I'm a bloody hypocrite when I say I try my utmost best not to judge anyone, when ironically speaking, saying I'm a hypocrite is the most hypocritical statement you've uttered thus far, along with the trash you spout so often in an attempt to blow your own trumpet. I'm not saying that I don't judge. Everyone does- it just depends to the extent to which they judge someone. And also, it's not so much the judgements that are what I abhor- it's the fact that you judge, and you think that it's perfectly alright to judge, because you lack the morals to realise that judging someone isn't exactly the most pleasant thing on the planet, and so, you glorify it. That's exactly what I hate.
They say that 80% of the people in the this world are insecure, so insecure they try to put others down. Well there you go, the epitome of who you are.
They say that 80% of the people in the this world are insecure, so insecure they try to put others down. Well there you go, the epitome of who you are.
Think about it yourself. You didn't even have the grades to get into a local university till you were much older- and there you are, making snide remarks about how I'm not going to get into a university, or better still, about people whom you know only for namesakes. Your words speak volumes about your insecurity, your fear of being ostracised, your fear of doing what is 'wrong'. You're the coward of society, so deeply entrenched in your own little bubble of a world you fail to realise that around you, the world is changing.
Your judgemental nature is the main reason why I rarely talk to you any more. You say your 'little girl' isn't as close to you any more? Well, now you do know. Each time I speak to you, I'm tumbled about and wrecked- like clothes that come out of the washing machine- crumpled and twisted. I'm sorry if this sounded caustic and extremely indolent of me, but I think that, with all due respect to the fact that I should still be respectful, the greatest form of respect would be to be truthful. So there you go.
Have a good day.