So in the time between this post and the last, a couple of things happened that I want to address. Or rather, make note of.
A Level results Day; 1st March 2013
I'll skip right to it- I did better than expected. Why? Because the teachers never had a very high opinion of me in the first place and expected me to score Ds and Es. So when it turned out that I scored Bs and Cs, the teachers received a fairly big shock, presumably. Or rather, what I gleaned from seeing my ELL teacher's reaction. She smiled at me for what was probably the first time in my life. And as it turned out, I scored the best for her subject. I'm a little disappointed though, for some reason. Although I really don't have a reason to be. I jumped more than 55 UES points and I know for a fact that only the very best got As and Bs. And I've never been the best. That, and even students the teachers expected would do well got the same grade as me.
I don't have a reason to be upset, really.
Last day of work at PCF Sengkang West; 28th Feb 2013
28th Feb marked the last day of work at the kindergarten, PCF Sengkang West. That's the class of Cherry 1 in the photo, the K1 class for which I've been in charge of these past 2 months. This was the very first class I was introduced to when I first started working at the centre. And as much as it was a new experience for me, I can't say the same about them- they are, after all, the class which graduated (or at least, for a majority of them) from nursery.
I recall writing a work-related post sometime back, and I'll say that my sentiments don't change. The last day was no less arduous than my first day, although I have to say that it got a lot better 2 weeks before I officially ended because a new teacher joined the centre and took over Cherry 1. I spent the weeks before that teaching the children the letters of the alphabet, and in retrospect I think I could have been a little more patient with them. But its rewarding to see them happy though, when they finally understand. Looking back on this photo I regret not taking a picture with my other class, Peach 1, which was another K1 class who joined Cherry 1 midday. I remember giving all of them pencils and erasers on my last day ( this photo was actually taken immediately after I gave out the pencils and erasers- probably the reason why the kids looked so happy) and this little girl called Fatin ran up to me, gave me a hug and told me that she'd miss me. It's times like these that make me feel that the effort I've put into the kids is worth it. It's rewarding.
My kids and I; K1 Class Cherry 1 |
And this photo here was a incomplete (sadly) staff photo taken after lessons ended that day at 5. From left, that's Mrs Lee-the centre principal, Viola, Teacher Tabs, Teacher Shikin, myself, Wu Lao Shi, Teacher Dharshiny, Teacher Sally and Teacher Jennifer. The teachers there (with the exception of Viola and myself who are both relief teachers) taught the kindergarten. The childcare teachers aren't in this photo.
I guess I don't really have much to say because it's my first paying job, my first time contributing to CPF, and I can count myself lucky that the staff was friendly to me even though I made a lot of mistakes in the course of my teaching. I'm grateful to them for being supportive, and for helping me understand the psychology of a child better. It'll be great if I could do something education related in the future, though, then again, that will depend on my degree.
As for all those who've helped me so much in this 2 month journey, I say thank you, and thanks also for the memories. You've taught me so much about myself in the process of caring for the children and given me much invaluable advice, PCF Sengkang West.
Staff members of the kindergarten! |