Went out with laoshi today. We were supposed to meet at Hougang Point but because I assumed( yes, ass-u-me) I went to Compass point( where we normally would meet) instead. So she had to take the train back down to Compass to meet me ( iam so sorry:( )
Went around to the shops and tried stuffs, she asked me to choose a handphone hanger for a friend of hers and after i chose one that I thought her friend would like, I realised that she intended it for me!! Thank you ever so much, but I feel really bad in making you do so.
Ice cream, ( she paid for me, I was unhappy about that okay! Cos I should have paid instead) then Metro where we ended up looking at cloth articles. And really, I was too embarassed to buy.. personal items... then. But maybe I should have.

Ice, Ice, Ice:)