Sunday, January 31, 2010

Heard that SHINEE is here, wish that Shermaine and Michele got their chance to see their beloved :) Anyway they did :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Desperate: Chinese tuition tmr, almost 12am, and I haven't finished studying my CHINESE TING XIE! DEAD DUCK. AND SHERMAINE AND MICHELE ARE COMING MY HOUSE TMR AND I DUN HAVE TO RUN BECAUSE OF THAT!! :D :D

Friday, January 29, 2010

So many commitments, so little time. I've never been in such a dilemma before, I promise. How am I to choose between my CCA and AEP? Help me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Things to get done:
Lit test tomorrow (AHHHHHH)
AEP tomorrow, bring junk drive
CCA tmr.
EM hmk undone.
Shitttt man.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


How we live our lives, wandering aimlessly amongst all things around us, we see people, our friends, rise and soar, they acomplish things that we think we cannot, why? Living each day at a time, living each moment, as if it you have an eternal life, enjoying not the crests and troughs of lifestyle, enjoying not the joys of being on this earth while others yearn this lost opportunity. Do we aim to live a life of lost, forgotten, crushed hopes and dreams? Do we yet not realise the limitations of a human heart, and the limitations of humans themselves? What do we aim to do in life, without a talent? Talent, a God given gift to everyone, yet we must find and search for it, through happiness and displeasure, and do not think that God has never bestowed you with a gift- for you are wrong, He has. Above all be at peace with yourself and always strive to be happy, even if the people around you let you down or turn the other cheek, remain true to your morals and your heart. Do not find hurt in nursing any broken heart if someone turns you down, for they have themselves to blame, they have themselves a conscience they have wronged, for you are not, therefore do not be unhappy.
We are no less than anything on this earth, we have a right to be where we are, so be blessed, live life, and be at peace with God, no matter what you do.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chinese Tuition this morning, omg, the chinese teacher is super cute (not in the urhmm sense). I was speaking to her about my trip to Harbin and when I mentioned that I've also been to Dalian, the city where she's from she was so shocked, as if its uncommon to be visiting such places. I only remembered that she said something about returing to China in a year or so, and asked if I would like to join her when she returns back there and I'll have free board and lodging too because she wants me and my family to stay with her/near her so that I'll be able to experience China in the spring, summer, autumn and winter months. I honestly wish that's true okayy! Omg I really wish I could. That'll mean that I have to stay there for like, a year or so to experience the whole thing. But don't you think its so cool if I could?! I doubt its more than an empty dream though, and that's really sad. But maybe someday, someday, I'll be able to migrate there and live in a place where our ancestors once were......

I dont understand why people always give me that 'face' when I tell them I like China. Its so annoying.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pls don't come, pleaseeee don't come, I know you're meant to come today but please dont, I have CCA tomorrow.
Sian. Literature test coming up next week, reminds me that there's a new timetable next week too, Iam praying that there's no double period of lit on Monday, because we'll have less time to study for the test then. Aish. Haven't done all those character analysis for Bob Ewell and Heck Tate, strange isnt it? Imagine your name is Heck. WHAT THE HECK. I mean, thank goodness its only a character from a make belief story. Wonder what Harper Lee would say if she knew that millions of people had to study her book.

Monday, January 18, 2010

RAWR. WHY DID U DELETE IT. And I miss Xiaobei in Together. He's damn cute. Omg do I have a liking for chinese guys or what?
I wanna give up, but I cant.
I wanna put it behind me, but I cant.
Nothing, not one, seems to be turning out right.
Can I just throw it down and dont bother? I want to,
but NO! I cant!
I'am stuck with it for another 9 months. You all know what it is.

Friday, January 15, 2010

one big sigh

Our english teacher sprang a surprise Eng compo test on us today-.- and I crapped as much as I could. Ended up crapping 2 pages, Iam sure I'll end up with a surprise scolding :(
Super sian, congratz to the sec 4 of 09' who did so well the sch declared a holiday on monday:)
AEP getting more and more crazy, more work intensive, lesser hours to study and do other things. And there's always an element of friendship problems. To all those, please, I tell you , coming up with a design for a T shirt for the entire class is no easy feat. Dont make it any harder for us, because we're having enough problems as it us. And finally, I see a different side of a person, someone whom I normally thought as responsible and trustworthy.. is actually.. not, sad to say. What should I do? 我如何对待她呢?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Pmo. mark your words? Why should I? You dont mean ANYTHING to me at all.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


And now.. entering the World of Horror.. so sit tight and buckle up!
Living nightmare, sec 4 is. Its the year of remedials, supplementery classes, high expectations, writing writing and writing, studying till our brains pop, tuition classes, CCA's, grades etc etc, you name it. Being, living the day to day life of any average student is like trying to drink water from a fire hose- the pressure, you know. Its excruciating, terrifying, horrifying, petrifying... Everything's shoved up your nose in one go- the teachers expect you, to CHANGE YOUR WRITING STYLE from our standard to a standard that's higher than the clouds, higher than the moon, higher than the stars. And the teachers become more strict, more fierce, more demanding... Its no wonder people commit suicide from stress.
Iam no genius either. We all learn sooner or later that we should just suck it up and move on. Thing is, we're not moving ANYWHERE. Its like running on a treadmill, forever trying to go forward, but being constantly pulled back by a force that overpowers you.
Running in this race, its all about I overtake you, you overtake me, I-trip-you-up-so-that-i-can-go-1st, what's wrong with the world?! Has everything become so competitive? Where were the day where people could just lie on a deckchair and watch the world go by?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

O's this year D; And this is the last day of our holidays. Wont be seeing me on so often now, probably only during weekends.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good or bad?

Just saw all those awesomely unglam photos of me on Sabrina's blog. I miss the cold weather.
Its true when they say that sometimes you can't put something behind you, no matter how large the time difference is between them. And dreams, yes the strange dreams, of being in that winter wonderland sometimes creep up upon me again like a giant spider. And the memories, both good and bad, come flooding back. That sickening feeling that envelops your heart and yanks it down to the depths when you realise that you're back from a holiday and reality slams into your face? It happens all the time, the novelty wears off and exposes a layer of harsh reality, even more blinding than snow itself, that you don't want to face it, but you have to.
And yes, I say memories, but I've yet to figure out whether they are really happy memories. There's always so many things and people, 8 days almost seems too short, and before you know it its over. And the making of friends, the regret of not wanting to leave them behind. So I find myself clinging on to photos and memories alone, not wanting the days to go by, because with each day that passes by its another day taking me further from those I miss most.
So sometimes, i wonder if the regret and sadness that enshroudes us at the end of a holiday is really worth it, or is it better not to go at all?
Innocence is strange? Its always used as a good connotation, but it always has a deeper, underlying meaning. So innocence really isnt innocence at all?
But its true, Innocence is bliss, isnt it? Though I know that someday you'll be a memory enbedded in my soul. But not now.
I don't want school to start on Monday. I do not.