I blog as a form of catharsis, so I'm not usually that emo a person. I just rarely post happy events.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Half an hour till the new year! Iam feeling high now cos I ate too much sugar!! HAHAHAHA and Shermaine and Michele are coming back tomorrow!!! :D :D :D I miss them!!! HAHAHAHAHA and I have New year gathering tomorrow also!! :D AND I Miss all my buddies Sabrina and Cassandra and Their Mum and Samantha whom I honestly dont know very well and even THAT WEIRDO GUY WHO THINKS HE's SO HOT THAT HE TRIED TO IMITATE THE PRO GUY IN SLIDING ON ICE AND FELL!!! and All my tour guides Xiao Yang and Xiao Shan and Xiao Chen all at the same time!!!! IAM MISSING THE COLD WEATHER THERE COS IAM PERSPIRING LIKE MAD NOW! AHAHAHA AGAIN HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thanks to Shermaine who gave me this idea, I shall dedicate this posts to my friends also:)
I dedicated the poem to you, didnt I? :)
I hope we had a great time this year, and I really hope that I wont be moved to another class next year because Iam not taking A math any longer. :( I dont think so la:)
I'll remember those times we had in AEP, crapping about that 'cold babe' together, lets continue that next year:)
And we must work hard together also, because its O's next year:) Love you also:)
Iam so happy for you! 1st time on an airplane must be a pretty overwhelming experience for you isnt it?
We've seen each other through ups and downs this year, but I'll never forget everything you've done for me this year.
Especially your birthday, where we surprised you with that cake, I hope you liked it, though i knew you were upset at the beginning cos we refused to tell you why and the reason we acted secretive. HAHA. Thinking about it now makes me laugh:)
NExt year's O's, lets Jiayou together! :D Love you!
Bao Yi:
Iam so glad I met you this year, 我们很有缘 right? :) Thanks for the cards, I was really moved by them:) Especially because it was after my holiday and I missed everyone so much I cried at the simplest thing, your card really made my day:D I'll always remember the time we went to watch A Christmas Carol together, went cycling together and CIP together. This year would have been hellish if I hadn't known you, after all many of the things you have to endure in our day to day activities are what I do too, so we're very much in the same boat. Thanks for always being there for me dear:) Love you! Lets work hard for our O's next year!
PS: Pet Victory for me please:)
Its so nice knowing you during my job attachment:) Its been a whirlwind of a month, isnt it?
I know it must have been really taxing on you all because my job attachment coincided with your tests, so I kinda became a bit of an additional burden =/ Thanks for being around when I needed you, and for the delicious cakes you baked:)Love you! :D
Hui Loon:
It was so nice having you as my buddy during job attachment:) I know it was tiring for you all because you had to buddy me and yet still set aside time for your tests. pei fu ni:) I've only seen you for a week though, so Iam really glad that MSN helps to keep us in touch :) Thanks for always being around when I needed you during and after my job attachment:) When I think about it now I just gotta thank my lucky stars that I was selected to join your class:) Thanks for all you did! Love you!
Hey! We've really got yuan right? To think that we can choose China as a place of our holidays, that we chose CTC holidays, that we chose the same tour type, that we chose the same day. Yes, we were destined to meet! :D HAHA. I cant believe our holiday has ended so fast! Lets keep in touch yea?:)
Jia you for O's next year!
And now... to someone who'll never read this.. :(
小 Shan 姐, Shenyang Tour Guide
谢谢您带了我们这一团. 在您带了我们那两天时期, 我们学到了很多沈阳有关的知识. 两天之后, 我们都觉得有您这样的导游
是一件非常有缘分的事. 您做出的贡献使我们中身感动. 在您结束了您的工作而必须离开我们之后, 我们的心里有种心如刀割的感觉. 在您回头说声再见时,见到您的背阴, 我不禁流下眼泪. 希望您能够凭着这股信念,继续努力, 坚持下去,也希望以后再回到沈阳再有您带我们这一团, 再见到您! 有缘再见!
I dedicated the poem to you, didnt I? :)
I hope we had a great time this year, and I really hope that I wont be moved to another class next year because Iam not taking A math any longer. :( I dont think so la:)
I'll remember those times we had in AEP, crapping about that 'cold babe' together, lets continue that next year:)
And we must work hard together also, because its O's next year:) Love you also:)
Iam so happy for you! 1st time on an airplane must be a pretty overwhelming experience for you isnt it?
We've seen each other through ups and downs this year, but I'll never forget everything you've done for me this year.
Especially your birthday, where we surprised you with that cake, I hope you liked it, though i knew you were upset at the beginning cos we refused to tell you why and the reason we acted secretive. HAHA. Thinking about it now makes me laugh:)
NExt year's O's, lets Jiayou together! :D Love you!
Bao Yi:
Iam so glad I met you this year, 我们很有缘 right? :) Thanks for the cards, I was really moved by them:) Especially because it was after my holiday and I missed everyone so much I cried at the simplest thing, your card really made my day:D I'll always remember the time we went to watch A Christmas Carol together, went cycling together and CIP together. This year would have been hellish if I hadn't known you, after all many of the things you have to endure in our day to day activities are what I do too, so we're very much in the same boat. Thanks for always being there for me dear:) Love you! Lets work hard for our O's next year!
PS: Pet Victory for me please:)
Its so nice knowing you during my job attachment:) Its been a whirlwind of a month, isnt it?
I know it must have been really taxing on you all because my job attachment coincided with your tests, so I kinda became a bit of an additional burden =/ Thanks for being around when I needed you, and for the delicious cakes you baked:)Love you! :D
Hui Loon:
It was so nice having you as my buddy during job attachment:) I know it was tiring for you all because you had to buddy me and yet still set aside time for your tests. pei fu ni:) I've only seen you for a week though, so Iam really glad that MSN helps to keep us in touch :) Thanks for always being around when I needed you during and after my job attachment:) When I think about it now I just gotta thank my lucky stars that I was selected to join your class:) Thanks for all you did! Love you!
Hey! We've really got yuan right? To think that we can choose China as a place of our holidays, that we chose CTC holidays, that we chose the same tour type, that we chose the same day. Yes, we were destined to meet! :D HAHA. I cant believe our holiday has ended so fast! Lets keep in touch yea?:)
Jia you for O's next year!
And now... to someone who'll never read this.. :(
小 Shan 姐, Shenyang Tour Guide
谢谢您带了我们这一团. 在您带了我们那两天时期, 我们学到了很多沈阳有关的知识. 两天之后, 我们都觉得有您这样的导游
是一件非常有缘分的事. 您做出的贡献使我们中身感动. 在您结束了您的工作而必须离开我们之后, 我们的心里有种心如刀割的感觉. 在您回头说声再见时,见到您的背阴, 我不禁流下眼泪. 希望您能够凭着这股信念,继续努力, 坚持下去,也希望以后再回到沈阳再有您带我们这一团, 再见到您! 有缘再见!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Harbin Winter Fantasy
Oh yea, okay, speaking of the tour... and thanks to Sabrina who reminded me:)
There's this guy from our tour group, okay, I know his name but I really ought not to blog about it here. Honestly, he gives me the creeps sometimes. Okay, I have a few things to say to him : Stop thinking ur so hot and cute man, cos ur not, and if you think your 'attracting' us with your looks you're not..
He gave us those looks you get from those honest-to-do real hot people, but he isnt. Yea, and he thinks its so cool to wear a face mask the opposite way also. -.-
Lets recap!
Day 1:
Arrived in Shanghai with China Eastern Airlines on a internation flight. Waited a little over 2 hours for a domestic flight into Dalian. Met the tour guide, Dickson, who happily brought his girlfriend along on this job( WTH!) and who seemed nonchalent about leading us. Visited the Lushun Musuem and Harbour and Bei Da QiaoVisited this little shop to buy nuts and stuff also. Lunch, where I met Sabrina and Cassandra for the 2nd time( the 1st was in the plane) where Sabrina happily told me her name was the same as mine. xD Returned to King Hall hotel for one night.
Stayed in Dalian till lunch, where we met the Shenyang tour guide, Xiao Shan, in the restaurant. Dropped Dickson at the busstop after lunch for him( and his gf) to find his way back.He was kinda lazy also, because he was the only tour guide who didnt have to travel with us out of the city. Xiao Shan then did a quick introduction of herself where we learnt that she was only 21 and was hoping to make friends with us during the 2 days she was with us. As it turned out, she did. Coached to Shenyang for 5 hours, and by the time we reached it was time for dinner. After dinner, Xiao Shan brought us to buy winter boots in preparation for Harbin, which was going to be COLD. Returned to the Grand Century hotel.
Morning call at 6.30. I woke up earlier to prepare for some packing. Left our overcoats in the hotel room before that, had to rush back to get them and as a result were slightly late for the meeting time, 7.30. Left for this place where we say the 12 emperors that ruled China, also learnt that Shenyang was the place which held the football olympics in 2008. Coached a short distance to the Shenyang Imperial Palace, where Nurhachi ruled with his brother( i think). The rise of the Qing Dynasty started here also. Lunch, the coached to Guai Po, a strange hill that defies gravity. I rode a bicycle with Sabrina down the hill, then upon arriving at the bottom of the hill, the bicycle travelled up the hill by itself. I wasnt peddaling.
Day4 :
Morning call at 7, Coached for a while, then picked up the Tour Guide from Chang chun, Xiao Chen. Continued coaching to Changchun for another 5 hours with Xiao Shan and Xiao Chen. Arrived in ChangChun at around noon, where we had lunch. Then took photos with Xiao Shan before she left to go back to Shenyang. Went skiing after that, as well as a bicycle on ice. There were also husky rides, but its pure animal cruelty if you make them run about on the ice. They're super skinny. Skiing wasnt bad, except that its easy to fall. Dinner after that, then transfer to hotel.
Morning call at 7( i think), coached to Jilin, the coach driver lost his way and arrived in 3 hours when it was supposed to be 2. Visited Korean village there, as well as Spotted deer farm. Lunch, then coached back to Changchun for another 2 hours. visited this chinese medicinal herb shop that sells a kind of frog glan that's supposed to be good for health, for guys they've got to choose the white ones while the girls choose blackish ones. Dinner, where Xiao Chen bought 2 Christmas Cakes for us( so sweet right!) as it was Christmas eve. Then back to hotel. Went out for shopping later.
Day 6:
Xiao Chen left us in the morning. Coached to Harbin for another 3.5 hours, but the driver lost his way again, and it stretched to 5 hours. Reached Harbin 2 hours off schedule met the Harbin Tour guide, Xiao Yang. We had a late late lunch. Drove for 2 hours or so to the Snow sculpture place,by then night had fallen. we were given sometime to look at the sculptures fashioned out of snow. The temperature was -27. Coached then again to 冰海大世界to see the ice sculptures this time. Dinner after, then hotel.
Day 7:
Last actual day. Visited a museum, but it was locked up at that point. Then coached to this small shopping centre, where we bought a few souvenirs for friends. Coached on then to this place where we saw people jumping into the icy cold waters to swim during mid winter. Everyone was commenting that they were crazy, but strong people. Then we visited St. Sophia Church. Moved on to the Ligers( Tiger+Lion) park, where we drove into the park in the bus. The tigers and all were free to roam, so we had to carefully manuoevre the coach around them, but it was quite hard as the tigers were inquisitive and were very interested in peeing on the tyres of the bus, which this tour guide Xiao Yang carefully noted. Coached on to Harbin Polarland, where we watched the Sea Lion performance and the Beluga Whale performance, not to mention all the other aquatic animals and artic animals amongst them.
Last but not least we visited Zhao Lin Park. It had very nice ice sculptures and we exited the park very early as it was too cold to carry on. Problem was, we didnt know where the bus was parked. So we walked round and round the entire square of the Park, hoping to find the bus but to no avail. It was really running late, about half an hour late. Halfway through, I thought I saw the bus moving along the road with all the people inside waving bye. I think i was hallucinating. Then I suddenly remembered that the bus was parked at the opposite end of the road, so we crossed over- and there it was. I think i cried or something out of relief. But I embarassed myself in the process.
Last day, we coached to the Zhong Yang Da Jie, a street of never ending shops. We were only given 1/2 an hour, so it wasnt much before we had to meet the tour guide Xiao Yang again.Coached to the place for lunch in about 10 mins, it was a pretty subdued occasion because it was going to be our last lunch together. Coached to the airport after that, took 50 mins. Said bye to the tour guide and headed for the plane.
Recollecting this now, I regret that I didnt ask Xiao Shan for her email so
I could send her the photos. Sigh Sigh Sigh.
There's this guy from our tour group, okay, I know his name but I really ought not to blog about it here. Honestly, he gives me the creeps sometimes. Okay, I have a few things to say to him : Stop thinking ur so hot and cute man, cos ur not, and if you think your 'attracting' us with your looks you're not..
He gave us those looks you get from those honest-to-do real hot people, but he isnt. Yea, and he thinks its so cool to wear a face mask the opposite way also. -.-
Lets recap!
Day 1:
Arrived in Shanghai with China Eastern Airlines on a internation flight. Waited a little over 2 hours for a domestic flight into Dalian. Met the tour guide, Dickson, who happily brought his girlfriend along on this job( WTH!) and who seemed nonchalent about leading us. Visited the Lushun Musuem and Harbour and Bei Da QiaoVisited this little shop to buy nuts and stuff also. Lunch, where I met Sabrina and Cassandra for the 2nd time( the 1st was in the plane) where Sabrina happily told me her name was the same as mine. xD Returned to King Hall hotel for one night.
Stayed in Dalian till lunch, where we met the Shenyang tour guide, Xiao Shan, in the restaurant. Dropped Dickson at the busstop after lunch for him( and his gf) to find his way back.He was kinda lazy also, because he was the only tour guide who didnt have to travel with us out of the city. Xiao Shan then did a quick introduction of herself where we learnt that she was only 21 and was hoping to make friends with us during the 2 days she was with us. As it turned out, she did. Coached to Shenyang for 5 hours, and by the time we reached it was time for dinner. After dinner, Xiao Shan brought us to buy winter boots in preparation for Harbin, which was going to be COLD. Returned to the Grand Century hotel.
Morning call at 6.30. I woke up earlier to prepare for some packing. Left our overcoats in the hotel room before that, had to rush back to get them and as a result were slightly late for the meeting time, 7.30. Left for this place where we say the 12 emperors that ruled China, also learnt that Shenyang was the place which held the football olympics in 2008. Coached a short distance to the Shenyang Imperial Palace, where Nurhachi ruled with his brother( i think). The rise of the Qing Dynasty started here also. Lunch, the coached to Guai Po, a strange hill that defies gravity. I rode a bicycle with Sabrina down the hill, then upon arriving at the bottom of the hill, the bicycle travelled up the hill by itself. I wasnt peddaling.
Day4 :
Morning call at 7, Coached for a while, then picked up the Tour Guide from Chang chun, Xiao Chen. Continued coaching to Changchun for another 5 hours with Xiao Shan and Xiao Chen. Arrived in ChangChun at around noon, where we had lunch. Then took photos with Xiao Shan before she left to go back to Shenyang. Went skiing after that, as well as a bicycle on ice. There were also husky rides, but its pure animal cruelty if you make them run about on the ice. They're super skinny. Skiing wasnt bad, except that its easy to fall. Dinner after that, then transfer to hotel.
Morning call at 7( i think), coached to Jilin, the coach driver lost his way and arrived in 3 hours when it was supposed to be 2. Visited Korean village there, as well as Spotted deer farm. Lunch, then coached back to Changchun for another 2 hours. visited this chinese medicinal herb shop that sells a kind of frog glan that's supposed to be good for health, for guys they've got to choose the white ones while the girls choose blackish ones. Dinner, where Xiao Chen bought 2 Christmas Cakes for us( so sweet right!) as it was Christmas eve. Then back to hotel. Went out for shopping later.
Day 6:
Xiao Chen left us in the morning. Coached to Harbin for another 3.5 hours, but the driver lost his way again, and it stretched to 5 hours. Reached Harbin 2 hours off schedule met the Harbin Tour guide, Xiao Yang. We had a late late lunch. Drove for 2 hours or so to the Snow sculpture place,by then night had fallen. we were given sometime to look at the sculptures fashioned out of snow. The temperature was -27. Coached then again to 冰海大世界to see the ice sculptures this time. Dinner after, then hotel.
Day 7:
Last actual day. Visited a museum, but it was locked up at that point. Then coached to this small shopping centre, where we bought a few souvenirs for friends. Coached on then to this place where we saw people jumping into the icy cold waters to swim during mid winter. Everyone was commenting that they were crazy, but strong people. Then we visited St. Sophia Church. Moved on to the Ligers( Tiger+Lion) park, where we drove into the park in the bus. The tigers and all were free to roam, so we had to carefully manuoevre the coach around them, but it was quite hard as the tigers were inquisitive and were very interested in peeing on the tyres of the bus, which this tour guide Xiao Yang carefully noted. Coached on to Harbin Polarland, where we watched the Sea Lion performance and the Beluga Whale performance, not to mention all the other aquatic animals and artic animals amongst them.
Last but not least we visited Zhao Lin Park. It had very nice ice sculptures and we exited the park very early as it was too cold to carry on. Problem was, we didnt know where the bus was parked. So we walked round and round the entire square of the Park, hoping to find the bus but to no avail. It was really running late, about half an hour late. Halfway through, I thought I saw the bus moving along the road with all the people inside waving bye. I think i was hallucinating. Then I suddenly remembered that the bus was parked at the opposite end of the road, so we crossed over- and there it was. I think i cried or something out of relief. But I embarassed myself in the process.
Last day, we coached to the Zhong Yang Da Jie, a street of never ending shops. We were only given 1/2 an hour, so it wasnt much before we had to meet the tour guide Xiao Yang again.Coached to the place for lunch in about 10 mins, it was a pretty subdued occasion because it was going to be our last lunch together. Coached to the airport after that, took 50 mins. Said bye to the tour guide and headed for the plane.
Recollecting this now, I regret that I didnt ask Xiao Shan for her email so
Shenyang Tour Guide Xiao Shan and I at Guai Po.
At the restaurant where we had our last lunch with Xiao Shan.
From Left: Sabrina, Cassandra, pumpkin, me, Xiao Shan
From Left: Mr Ng, Cassandra, Me, Sabrina
AT Shenyang Imperial Palace, me holding the tour guide flag! :D
Iam back...sadly:(
Iam back from Harbin. And see, see what fate has brought us to? I did meet people. Hi Sabrina, if you're reading this:) Say hi to your sis for me:) And also, its over so freaking quickly. Just last week I was at Dalian with the tour guide Dickson-.- ( okay, I dont like him), then at Shenyang with tour guide Xiao Shan ( I love her omg, she's so niceeee), Chang Chun and Jilin with Xiao Chen, and finally Harbin with Xiao Yang ( She's also pretty nice).
Then its over so quickly.
I miss the bitter cold weather in Harbin, yes, ridiculous as it sounds as the temp was honestly, -31 degrees at its coldest at night, as the temperature guage showed.
I miss the Shenyang tour guide Xiao Shan, though I know that she's just a person doing her job. Its sad when you meet others, befriend them, only to never see them again, isn't it? :(
I miss all my tour group people. There's so many more people in my age group this time round compared to last year, and I miss you alllllllllll :(
Sigh. Too sad to post further.
Then its over so quickly.
I miss the bitter cold weather in Harbin, yes, ridiculous as it sounds as the temp was honestly, -31 degrees at its coldest at night, as the temperature guage showed.
I miss the Shenyang tour guide Xiao Shan, though I know that she's just a person doing her job. Its sad when you meet others, befriend them, only to never see them again, isn't it? :(
I miss all my tour group people. There's so many more people in my age group this time round compared to last year, and I miss you alllllllllll :(
Sigh. Too sad to post further.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Just realised that the winter parka had a large rip through it. Admit that I saw the feathers floating out of the ripped portion but didnt think much about it, cos i thought it was from my parrot, until it suddenly occurred to me that my parrot was green in colour and therefore should not be dropping white feathers.
And I ought to sew it up instead of procrastinating- and blogging for that matter.
And I ought to sew it up instead of procrastinating- and blogging for that matter.
Watched my last episode of 当我们同在一起 today, because I cant watch the whole of next week due to the holiday:(
Damn sad to see Yao Shi Fu self mutilate due to being knee deep in debts due to gambling :( And the show has a whole lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings, like how Inspector Ou (Choon Khee's sweetheart xD) 'fainted' on top of Jianhong and Xiaobei( He's FREAKING cute) burst in to think that they were up to some hanky panky. Aish. Gonna miss that show :( and I wont be there when Lucy and (what's the other guy's name?) dies. Hees.
Damn sad to see Yao Shi Fu self mutilate due to being knee deep in debts due to gambling :( And the show has a whole lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings, like how Inspector Ou (Choon Khee's sweetheart xD) 'fainted' on top of Jianhong and Xiaobei( He's FREAKING cute) burst in to think that they were up to some hanky panky. Aish. Gonna miss that show :( and I wont be there when Lucy and (what's the other guy's name?) dies. Hees.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holidays are ending far too quickly. Okay, if school starts, we'll have the school work pouring in, plus O levels :( I cant believe it, its so fast, another national exam, just when I thought that PSLE was over, we have Os. And after that, we have As (if we get to JC that is). Sorry for spoiling the mood.
Having a very bad cold/cough and sneezing like mad. Walked around half the day with a jacket on, thinking that if Singapore's monsoon weather was cold enough what's china going to be like. Sigh.
( Lots of things havent been packed yet, God help)
Having a very bad cold/cough and sneezing like mad. Walked around half the day with a jacket on, thinking that if Singapore's monsoon weather was cold enough what's china going to be like. Sigh.
( Lots of things havent been packed yet, God help)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Yea, whatever
Cried like mad in front of my dad yesteday. Okay, not really, my hair covered part of it. Hated it so much, if its one thing I cant stand is crying in front of your parents, they dont understand you at all. (at least for me)
Had me in knots by telling me that I couldnt bring my phone for the harbin trip, couldnt bring my earpiece so that I could listen to music along the way. I was like, WTF why?! Then he said it'll distract me from my O's next year. What the hell, my O's are next year and this doesnt even contribute to it at all! Cant stand his idiocyncrasies, its annoying.
To speak the truth, I havent been on good terms with him at all in fact. See, annoyance are signs of old age. Its hard to get along with someone whom you dont see eye to eye with, isnt it? Haiz, such sill stupid reasoning, affecting my O's. Listening to music doesnt even harm one bit.
Had me in knots by telling me that I couldnt bring my phone for the harbin trip, couldnt bring my earpiece so that I could listen to music along the way. I was like, WTF why?! Then he said it'll distract me from my O's next year. What the hell, my O's are next year and this doesnt even contribute to it at all! Cant stand his idiocyncrasies, its annoying.
To speak the truth, I havent been on good terms with him at all in fact. See, annoyance are signs of old age. Its hard to get along with someone whom you dont see eye to eye with, isnt it? Haiz, such sill stupid reasoning, affecting my O's. Listening to music doesnt even harm one bit.
I miss you~ Not having seen you for so long. The days we spent in the bitter wintery cold, aboard that ship , the days we spent frolicking about on the ropes and saws in a thick parka, I miss those. And I miss you even more when I watched the video and saw you, all over again. I wish I could reach out and say hi, but I cant, because you're just an image in the tv. If only I could break past that glass barrier.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
So tired, so very tired. Ran like a mouse being chased after by a cat today, on the freaking treadmill. Holiday chinese class are taxing to the max, the standard of the class is so high that Iam drowed in the words and terms that float around me. Wish my chinese was better, still vividly remember the time I tried to explain a file in chinese, end up saying zhi jia( nails) when it was supposed to be wen jian jia. -.- I know it sounds noob but yea, pathetic =/
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Harbin next Saturday!!!
PS: People have died there before. On a tour mind you.
Its weird, fate maybe? Who knows who I'll meet? Just thinking about that sends a not unpleasent chill down my spine. Uninviting as it may seem things may just turn out they way we want them to be, be it friends or others of similar nature. Nevertheless, its always worth finding out if the people I meet will remain as friends in time to come. Like Shanghai last year, where I met Shibin and Xue Hui. Then Tasmania, where I met XinYing( we dont keep in touch). How nice if we could keep all our friends, wherever we go, and how sad things can get when we lose them, isn't it?
PS: People have died there before. On a tour mind you.
Its weird, fate maybe? Who knows who I'll meet? Just thinking about that sends a not unpleasent chill down my spine. Uninviting as it may seem things may just turn out they way we want them to be, be it friends or others of similar nature. Nevertheless, its always worth finding out if the people I meet will remain as friends in time to come. Like Shanghai last year, where I met Shibin and Xue Hui. Then Tasmania, where I met XinYing( we dont keep in touch). How nice if we could keep all our friends, wherever we go, and how sad things can get when we lose them, isn't it?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sometimes I just cant stand you, stand you being at home here with me, it really annoys me to the max. Your voice drones on and on, like a freaking blowfly against the window pane. Everything I do, you break down my freaking neck,you give me snide remarks about everything I try to do during the day. Isnt there anything better that you can do? Leaving me alone perhaps? I hate the way you criticise me, hate the way you talk and your so called 'logic', your lectures, your insensibility.
Went to watch A Christmas Carol with Bao Yi today, met at AMK station, ate hot pepper lunch, then went to watch the movie. Came out and walked a bit, discussed the show, then bought a milo drink each. Milo didnt taste like Milo. Haha. Thanks Bao, for coming with me, though the show was all crashes and bangs and unexpected twists;)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Went orthodontist Dr Loh's office today, waited damn damn long, like 1/2 hour for my turn, cos Joyce (the receptionist) forgot that my appointment was today.
Dr Loh (DL): Julyn!
Me: (gets up)
(wondering why DL's so high, okay, pardon the pun)
DL: Oh ya you havent chosen your colour
Me: (cos i decide alr in advance) Pink and purple like last time.
DL: So girly la you.
Me: SO GIRLY?! (are you kidding?! )
DL: Ya what. Pink not girly mehhh...
Me: Cos I dun want try other colour cannot mehhhhh...
DL: Okay okay la, lie down:)
Me: (lies down)
DL: I heard Bao yi dropped her bridge again..
Me: Huh really meh?
DL: Ya what.
Me: No la!!
DL: Bao yi ah, she got wera retainers or not?
Me: (gulp)ya, iam sure she does!
DL: You sure or not? Her teeth move so much leh!
Me: Iam very sure she does.
(a beat)
Me: Baoyi miss you lehh.
DL: HAHAHA then tell her that biting her bridge to ssee me isnt the right way to go okay?
Me: haha okayy.
Me: (bites DL's finger to change thersubject)
Me: Sorryyyyy;(
DL: Your bite ah Julyn! Why you like to bite my finger so much?
Me: ........
DL: Is it because so fat and fleshy right?
Me: That is not I say one ah.
DL: But you think that, I know :(
Me: Dont have such a low opinion of me la pls!:(
DL: Okay la okay la...(hand me mirror)
Me: ??
DL: for you to see yourself. No la, I want to teach you how to put the rubber bands back into your teeth so that you can put them back yourself after you eat. Cannot wear when eating swimming k? cos the spoon cannot get in.
ME: Huh aiyo, then this month I going holiday lehh:(
DL: Okay you dont wear then take off your braces next year la!
Me: Okay okay, I wear.
DL: Wear only at night la, in the hotel, then in the day dont need, see I so nice la!
Me: Scully come out how? ( thinks of having to overturn the pillows for 2 tiny rubber bands ps I wonder if that's considered guest's items eh?)
DL: Wont la, but must change everytime you eat or something.
Me: Orh, okayy..
DL: So see you in 4 weeks time oaky? You'll be able to take out next month alr!
Me(doutbful): ohh oakyy, see you, byeee~
DL: (flying kiss)
Aish. Next month when I remove my braces, and that's IF i remove, I'll miss Dr Loh like crazyyy:(
Speaking of which, if I leave my retainers in the hotel and housekeeping finds it, is it considered valuable? HAHA
Dr Loh (DL): Julyn!
Me: (gets up)
(wondering why DL's so high, okay, pardon the pun)
DL: Oh ya you havent chosen your colour
Me: (cos i decide alr in advance) Pink and purple like last time.
DL: So girly la you.
Me: SO GIRLY?! (are you kidding?! )
DL: Ya what. Pink not girly mehhh...
Me: Cos I dun want try other colour cannot mehhhhh...
DL: Okay okay la, lie down:)
Me: (lies down)
DL: I heard Bao yi dropped her bridge again..
Me: Huh really meh?
DL: Ya what.
Me: No la!!
DL: Bao yi ah, she got wera retainers or not?
Me: (gulp)ya, iam sure she does!
DL: You sure or not? Her teeth move so much leh!
Me: Iam very sure she does.
(a beat)
Me: Baoyi miss you lehh.
DL: HAHAHA then tell her that biting her bridge to ssee me isnt the right way to go okay?
Me: haha okayy.
Me: (bites DL's finger to change thersubject)
Me: Sorryyyyy;(
DL: Your bite ah Julyn! Why you like to bite my finger so much?
Me: ........
DL: Is it because so fat and fleshy right?
Me: That is not I say one ah.
DL: But you think that, I know :(
Me: Dont have such a low opinion of me la pls!:(
DL: Okay la okay la...(hand me mirror)
Me: ??
DL: for you to see yourself. No la, I want to teach you how to put the rubber bands back into your teeth so that you can put them back yourself after you eat. Cannot wear when eating swimming k? cos the spoon cannot get in.
ME: Huh aiyo, then this month I going holiday lehh:(
DL: Okay you dont wear then take off your braces next year la!
Me: Okay okay, I wear.
DL: Wear only at night la, in the hotel, then in the day dont need, see I so nice la!
Me: Scully come out how? ( thinks of having to overturn the pillows for 2 tiny rubber bands ps I wonder if that's considered guest's items eh?)
DL: Wont la, but must change everytime you eat or something.
Me: Orh, okayy..
DL: So see you in 4 weeks time oaky? You'll be able to take out next month alr!
Me(doutbful): ohh oakyy, see you, byeee~
DL: (flying kiss)
Aish. Next month when I remove my braces, and that's IF i remove, I'll miss Dr Loh like crazyyy:(
Speaking of which, if I leave my retainers in the hotel and housekeeping finds it, is it considered valuable? HAHA
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Aish. Tell me, what do I do? Iam drawn in by his 'gifts', and i want to break away, break far far away, but how on earth did I manage to get myself into this mess? I dont like to message strange people I meet online. I dont want to meet in them in person, I do not. I dont wanna give them my email, I want our relationship to stay in the game and nothing else! Why cant it be this way?
I shouldnt have said yes, I should not. Iam scared.
~this post sounds as if I just... dont worry k, iam still a virgin. Its something else.
I shouldnt have said yes, I should not. Iam scared.
~this post sounds as if I just... dont worry k, iam still a virgin. Its something else.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sofa King Funny
Went for CIP at SGH again today, Bao Yi couldnt come, so it left Shermaine and Jac. Super funny, working with them.
We spent our time campwhoring instead of actually trying to attract customers to our stalls, okay i know its bad, but honestly most people just walk up to us, smile and say, "iam looking" then walk away. No point in that right?Further more we're not entitled to give discounts.
There's this one customer I especially remember.
Customer: EH! THis shawl nice leh
Me: .....ya.
C: How much?
Me: (cant you see the price tag?!) 7.90.
C: So expensive one leh!
Me: My boss may give you a discount.
C: Aiya so lehcheh( idk how to spell), don want la.
C: (holds up shawl) this is what colour? Blue or black?!
Me: Its green.
C: Oh.
:D :D
Dr Loh on Monday! I get to change my braces colour again:D AHhh and in just 2 more months I wont see her no longer D;
We spent our time campwhoring instead of actually trying to attract customers to our stalls, okay i know its bad, but honestly most people just walk up to us, smile and say, "iam looking" then walk away. No point in that right?Further more we're not entitled to give discounts.
There's this one customer I especially remember.
Customer: EH! THis shawl nice leh
Me: .....ya.
C: How much?
Me: (cant you see the price tag?!) 7.90.
C: So expensive one leh!
Me: My boss may give you a discount.
C: Aiya so lehcheh( idk how to spell), don want la.
C: (holds up shawl) this is what colour? Blue or black?!
Me: Its green.
C: Oh.
:D :D
Dr Loh on Monday! I get to change my braces colour again:D AHhh and in just 2 more months I wont see her no longer D;
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Okay, Iam sorry for yesterday's post. I dont know what happened either, everything just came out like the river of tears yesterday. There's little I can do to keep everything inside, iam sick of what's happening, sick of keeping everything under lock and key. And Iam sorry for yesterday's post.
PS: H1N1 Jab today. Not exactly painful, more of an aching sensation.Next week I have to return for my flu jab D;
PS: H1N1 Jab today. Not exactly painful, more of an aching sensation.Next week I have to return for my flu jab D;
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Please, I beg you, your faith, I give you.
Had a strangely realistic dream yesterday night. It comprised of all those people whom I miss most, and for some reason or another I woke up, in a state of shock, and in .
Sometimes I wonder why these dreams do happen, and if someone is really trying to tell us something. I mean, all those people I miss, people I only see once in my life, appear as if an apparition.
Another thing is, my cousin is annoyed at me cos I don't go to church. I mean okay okay, Iam sorry, I dont even know why Iam saying sorry, but I am, and I know she's annoyed because of the silly reasons as to why I cannot go to church. And because of this, I cant call myself a Christian, although I believe in God.
But I've given her my reasons, and she tells me that I cannot use it as a crutch. I wonder if He knows how Iam feeling.
I've wondered what its like to be in His presence, where heaven reigns. From young, I've always envisioned Heaven to be a place of fluffy white clouds and candy and people of a kind nature. But I dont dream like that anymore. And Iam locked up in a race of people who nag, nag and nag at me. They tell me to work hard, to do my best, so I can study law like I always wanted to.
Is it enough to let you know how much I already know that? I don know how much more I can tell you. I know my O levels are next year. I know I have to work hard! I know that my future depends on this exam that results lie in the hands of our loving father! I KNOW! PLEASE! Spare me! Holidays are more stressful than school life now really, and the slightest thing can get me frustrated and annoyed. Temper rising, head shaking, nausea quelling, please please please, spare me all that nagging I know.
Sometimes I look up at the clouds above and wish for the times that had past, where Heaven was a cloudy land of candies.
~ Iamcryingmyheartoutnow~
Sometimes I wonder why these dreams do happen, and if someone is really trying to tell us something. I mean, all those people I miss, people I only see once in my life, appear as if an apparition.
Another thing is, my cousin is annoyed at me cos I don't go to church. I mean okay okay, Iam sorry, I dont even know why Iam saying sorry, but I am, and I know she's annoyed because of the silly reasons as to why I cannot go to church. And because of this, I cant call myself a Christian, although I believe in God.
But I've given her my reasons, and she tells me that I cannot use it as a crutch. I wonder if He knows how Iam feeling.
I've wondered what its like to be in His presence, where heaven reigns. From young, I've always envisioned Heaven to be a place of fluffy white clouds and candy and people of a kind nature. But I dont dream like that anymore. And Iam locked up in a race of people who nag, nag and nag at me. They tell me to work hard, to do my best, so I can study law like I always wanted to.
Is it enough to let you know how much I already know that? I don know how much more I can tell you. I know my O levels are next year. I know I have to work hard! I know that my future depends on this exam that results lie in the hands of our loving father! I KNOW! PLEASE! Spare me! Holidays are more stressful than school life now really, and the slightest thing can get me frustrated and annoyed. Temper rising, head shaking, nausea quelling, please please please, spare me all that nagging I know.
Sometimes I look up at the clouds above and wish for the times that had past, where Heaven was a cloudy land of candies.
~ Iamcryingmyheartoutnow~
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"See-I-Pee"At SGH
Okay. Sunshine after the rain okay? Going to post something less emo-ish.
Went for CIP with Shermaine, Jaqueline today. Bao Yi joined in later after her guitar CCA. CIP Was from 9.30 to 5.30, and we reached there early. Slacked at the nearby coffee shop( literally, selling coffee) where Sher and Jac bought a donut and I, an eggtart.
Met our boss Mr Koh, and he gave me the key for the retail outlet. Left for the shop(okay, retail cart) we were to open after that, and cos I came yesterday I (sort of) knew how to unpack the stuff and the cart and all. If I recall correctly, we sold teddy bears, handphone hangers, shawls, scarfs, shirts, toilet paper holders, tissue packets, shorts, more teddy bears, tic tac toe boxes, dolls, Christmas Cards, photo frames, towels, etc etc. Too many la.
Had to fold all the shirts. Pack up all the stuff and arrange them 'nicely'.
We didnt even finish setting up the shop before the 1st customer popped in to buy a scarf. Then someone else came in to buy this bag which didnt exactly look nice(it was just too gaudy). Was happy that the bag was gone, it was pretty much an eyesore. All the while the lady was like, " eh this bag very nice right?" All the while I was just nodding my head and saying yes but, well, I wasnt exactly thinking the same way.
Funny thing i realised was this, when there are no customers, ur shop is as empty as a jacob's kettle. When 1 comes, ALL comes. So we could be slacking 1 minute, then totally on all fours the next.
Went for lunch, and speaking of lunch, baoyi and I had a horrible experience yesterday. We wereeating fishball noodles then bao suddenyl shrieked. I turned to her and she was horrified, pointing at something inside the bowl. "WHAT"'S THAT IN MY SOUP!!" I looked inside. Guess? A freaking CATERPILLAR. Like WTH. Not an ant, a caterpillar. Its like a hospital for goodness sakes, the environment is supposed to be practically sterilised, and there it was, green caterpillar happily resting on the cooked, souped vegetables. Both of us went off our food. Baoyi nearly puked. And I cant blame her.
I marched up to the stall to complain, so they refunded us with a word of thanks. One of the shop keepers even said, " This one got protein la!" WTH WTH WTH. Protein then you eat la, big hairy hog.
Bought Milo to settle Baoyi's stomach, she said she kept tasting bile in her mouth cos of the vomit. Poor thing.
Back to today. Jac and Shermaine went off to help this lady for a survey, while Baoyi and I continued the shop.
Boss came to close the shop and told him to help out at the retail outlet at another block. Met shermaine along the way, then was dismissed soon after. ;)
What we sold:)
Should we? Can we? Must we?
Friendship problems suck. Why? I dont have an answer but I want to know why. What causes someone to clique with another? What causes friendships to fall apart? Are the nuances of friendship problems that hard to understand?
We take our friends for granted. Yes we do, dont deny it. We take it that they'll always be our friends, no matter how bitchy our behaviour may be, whether we hurt them in any way, they'll still be our friends. Thing is, sometimes the chemistry between friends are such that you dont even realise that you've hurt your friend. Until she starts giving you the cold shoulder, that is.
Then we start to think about whether we have done anything that has hurt them. But its horribly difficult to find out what we did to hurt them. Sometimes, I dont know, its just what I say, but I think that sometimes friends may be, well, sick of being with the same type of friends. Perhaps I've hurt someone by saying so. Iam sorry. But its true.. to some extent, isnt it? I mean, something must have occured between friends that force them apart.
Lack of Empathy.
Lack of trust.
And... being taken for granted.
Its been said that when one friend achieves something, the other friend must be happy for the other friend. Sure. Aiming to be like that friend is really nothing special. But does jealousy drive us to hate that friend?
Lack of Empathy.
Should we forgive and forget? Can we?
Lack of trust.
"Eh can lend me?"
"Pls lar, short while only..."
"Later you lose how?"
"I wont lose one!"
"sure ah".
Isnt this enought to tarnish a friendship?
We take our friends for granted. Yes we do, dont deny it. We take it that they'll always be our friends, no matter how bitchy our behaviour may be, whether we hurt them in any way, they'll still be our friends. Thing is, sometimes the chemistry between friends are such that you dont even realise that you've hurt your friend. Until she starts giving you the cold shoulder, that is.
Then we start to think about whether we have done anything that has hurt them. But its horribly difficult to find out what we did to hurt them. Sometimes, I dont know, its just what I say, but I think that sometimes friends may be, well, sick of being with the same type of friends. Perhaps I've hurt someone by saying so. Iam sorry. But its true.. to some extent, isnt it? I mean, something must have occured between friends that force them apart.
Lack of Empathy.
Lack of trust.
And... being taken for granted.
Its been said that when one friend achieves something, the other friend must be happy for the other friend. Sure. Aiming to be like that friend is really nothing special. But does jealousy drive us to hate that friend?
Lack of Empathy.
Should we forgive and forget? Can we?
Lack of trust.
"Eh can lend me?"
"Pls lar, short while only..."
"Later you lose how?"
"I wont lose one!"
"sure ah".
Isnt this enought to tarnish a friendship?
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