I blog as a form of catharsis, so I'm not usually that emo a person. I just rarely post happy events.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sway day.
LAst day of school. Went to shermaine's house as she wanted to bathe, then trained to Michele's house to cange. Went to Bishan Park from there. Rented a bike for a supposed 1 hour. Then rode for <15 mins, then got an acute attack of cramps. Like WTH, of all times. I couldnt move, my vision was blurred, my fingers were numb. Its scaring me. Honestly. Apart from wasting the money, I cant help wondering if Iam down with some sickness iam unaware of. Yes, jie jie Sarah, ur right. I should see a doctor. Then it rained heavily on the way home. My crumpler's wet through. I dunno. Super messed up.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Went to East Coast Park today with Bao Yi. Supposedly supposed to meet Bao yi at Yio Chu Kang MRT station at 10, but it got pushed to 11am. Then we decided the meet at Ang Mo kio station instead. Took a train down to TPY interchange, where we waited for bus no. 31, due east and the stop we were supposed to alight at- opposite the Marine Parade shopping centre. Walked into the centre and headed striaght for the information counter because we didnt know the way to East Coast. According to the lady, she told us to walk straight past NTUC and head for the underpass. We did so. The underpass was really dark and dingy. Its not wonder people can get raped then. We just walked faster.
Came out of the underpass and we were already at the walkway towards the park. Walked a short distance, taking photos along the way, then saw the beach and the sea. Found the bicycle kiosk and rented 2 single bikes. I havent cycled in 8 yrs so its nice of Bao Yi to wait for me to BEGIN warming myself up to the bike.
Peddled a short distance, stopped. Bao Yi stopped with me. AFter lots of stops and starts, we continued riding. Was I shaky? YES.To show you the magnitude to which I was shaking, ( I'd probably make a 8.9 on the richter scale ) I looked like I have having spasms.
After a while, the bicycle seat got really hard and painful. Since the bike seat we got was suited for the male anatomy, we were having a really painful and hard time, wincing everytime we went over a hump in the road. I nearly hit a few people, but it was miraculous that I didnt fall:D
Rode my bike onto the grass patch and very nearly fell. I remember Dr Maha once asking us what we saw as we cycled. Well I can say frankly that I saw the road, because if I didnt I'd crash .
WEnt along to macs halfway and we parked our bikes outside. Bao Yi ate a happy meal, while I ate the double cheeseburger meal. we were in there when we saw Mr chan, our PE teacher.=/ Of all places.Isnt it a small world?
SO thirsty that we bought a double choc Frappe after. Cycling under the afternoon sun sure is hot alright.Walked over to the bowling alley were we intended to bowl, but then found the place a bit too dark for our liking, honestly it looks a bit more like a club than a bowling alley. We didnt bowl.
WAlked back to Parkway Parade, took bus no. 135 for a whole HOUR. Reached AMk station, and Bao yI accompanied me back to YCK! She so nice right?! :DD 谢谢.
你知道我爱你. left at the junction of YCK Mrt, near my bus depot.

More photos anothre day k. My stye just erupter and its hurting me to death.
Came out of the underpass and we were already at the walkway towards the park. Walked a short distance, taking photos along the way, then saw the beach and the sea. Found the bicycle kiosk and rented 2 single bikes. I havent cycled in 8 yrs so its nice of Bao Yi to wait for me to BEGIN warming myself up to the bike.
Peddled a short distance, stopped. Bao Yi stopped with me. AFter lots of stops and starts, we continued riding. Was I shaky? YES.To show you the magnitude to which I was shaking, ( I'd probably make a 8.9 on the richter scale ) I looked like I have having spasms.
After a while, the bicycle seat got really hard and painful. Since the bike seat we got was suited for the male anatomy, we were having a really painful and hard time, wincing everytime we went over a hump in the road. I nearly hit a few people, but it was miraculous that I didnt fall:D
Rode my bike onto the grass patch and very nearly fell. I remember Dr Maha once asking us what we saw as we cycled. Well I can say frankly that I saw the road, because if I didnt I'd crash .
WEnt along to macs halfway and we parked our bikes outside. Bao Yi ate a happy meal, while I ate the double cheeseburger meal. we were in there when we saw Mr chan, our PE teacher.=/ Of all places.Isnt it a small world?
SO thirsty that we bought a double choc Frappe after. Cycling under the afternoon sun sure is hot alright.Walked over to the bowling alley were we intended to bowl, but then found the place a bit too dark for our liking, honestly it looks a bit more like a club than a bowling alley. We didnt bowl.
WAlked back to Parkway Parade, took bus no. 135 for a whole HOUR. Reached AMk station, and Bao yI accompanied me back to YCK! She so nice right?! :DD 谢谢.
你知道我爱你. left at the junction of YCK Mrt, near my bus depot.
While Cycling!
More photos anothre day k. My stye just erupter and its hurting me to death.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Okay. Since I owe chloroPHYLL a poem....
Can you hear the birds chirping in the skies,
Singing to the tunes of Phyll's lullaby?
Can you feel the rain falling ever so gently
Atuned to the sounds of the guitar so intently?
Another thing, i must precide
Is the way her fingers hop and slide.
Can you feel its lack of pain
Dancing, jumping to the sound of the rain?
In many ways, she is a mum
However she also makes a wonderful chum.
A caring person is what she is,
that makes share time with her awfully bliss:)
Thanks to Bao Yi for providing me with the relevant information about Phyll. I sound like a spy =/
Can you hear the birds chirping in the skies,
Singing to the tunes of Phyll's lullaby?
Can you feel the rain falling ever so gently
Atuned to the sounds of the guitar so intently?
Another thing, i must precide
Is the way her fingers hop and slide.
Can you feel its lack of pain
Dancing, jumping to the sound of the rain?
In many ways, she is a mum
However she also makes a wonderful chum.
A caring person is what she is,
that makes share time with her awfully bliss:)
Thanks to Bao Yi for providing me with the relevant information about Phyll. I sound like a spy =/
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yes! Exams are over! I've never felt so much joy in my life, nor ever will again! :D:D Sher and Mich's gone for a chalet, so Iam left alone again D; Nevermind, Bao Yi is a great companion:D So HIGH ALL OF A SUDDEN!! I FEEL LIKE HUGGING MICH AND BAO YI AND SHERMAINE NOW HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! WE HAVE LIVED THROUGH EXAMS!!!! :D :D:D
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Iam dead hungry. Urgh... oh ya. I better blog about Mich's birthday 1st.
Went to school early early to sit for our last paper, the Chem paper. Michele had to go sit for a survey, so Shermaine and I and Jia Wen went to TPY interchange 1st to buy the cake (unknown to her) of her birthday.Mich was coming along to TPY at that point in time, so I( NO choice okay!) stuffed the cake into my crumpler bag, while I gave my jacket and pencil case to Shermaine to put in her bag. I had a cold cold back for the rest of the journey. Trooped to KFC later on for breakfast when Mich joined us. Sat down, and leaned back(mistake no.1) Felt the plastic box CRUNCH. Knew it was a mistake. Tried not to look too worried. Ate an American Wrap or something. Sat there for a while, then Estelle came and joined us. She started talking about some sleepover. Soon, Jia Wen and I felt like extras cos only Mich, Sher and Estelle were talking. So we went on to Guardian, which was next door. There was a white benchtop on the outside. I placed my crumpler there and opened my bag. Reached in a took out a squashed cake. A BADLY squashed cake. Thought we heard Mich and Sher coming out of KFC, so I squashed the cake back into my bag (mistake no. 2)Jia Wen started laughing. Then we went into guardian, and looked at the pregnancy kits, baby thermometers, anything to kill time.
Shortly, Mich and Sher came out of KFC and into Guardian. We walked to the interchange, where we said bye to Jia wen as Mich and Sher were coming to my house. Sat down at the stone marble benches and heard the cake inside my bag crumble again. By this time, Mich was getting mighty suspicious. So Sher let her in on the secret a bit, without revealing to her that a cake had been bought.The journey there was uneventful.
Upon reaching my house, I quickly grabbed the cake and placed it in the already full to bursting frige. (mistake no.3) I squashed the cake in as Mich was coming into the kitchen. Then shouted to Mich and Sher to go upstairs. Joined them soon after. Took a bath, then returned to my room, where the air con was on. Mich and Sher were watching some Korean show on the PSP which mich brought. Later, Mich started playing some 3D game, while sher and I campwhored. Out of the photos we took, only one survived Sher and my rating.
Wasted time playing offline games, then went down to the park. Played at the park for some time on the swings, where we campwhored to the max and took self initiated shots. Lots of unglam photos were also taken. One included Sher opening her coffeeshop( okay, not REALLY okay) and Mich's butt.
Bought a cup of Korean noodles at the minimart near my house, as well as a tub of ice cream. Went home and ate the korean noodles the unglam way. (slurping it up from a self made cup fashioned out of the cup noodle cover). Then all of us dug into (literally) the ice cream. Sher messaged me under the table to bring out the cake. I went into the kitchen, realised that there was 2 bags of things in the fringe. I remembered the cake was in a bag, so I opened the 1st bag and intended to bring it out. Then realised it was a bag of bean sprouts. Wasted precious time. Grabbed the squashed cake out of the fringe (minus the bag) and brought it into the dining room with a'happy birthday!' I'll never forget the look on Mich's face. The cake was squshed, badly squshed, with a portion sunk in. Urgh.
Took lots of videos of Mich and her cake. We lighted the cake, sang a happy birthday with it recorded on tape, then realised that the cake had only 14 candles. Sheepishly put another candle on it, relighted the cake. Then mich blew out the cake in my face, smoke and all. If I get lung cancer you know why.
Ate the cake. Mich took a LARGE portion. Then let her bring home the rest of the cake. We came back upstairs, and pretended we were DJs and sarted singing to the karaoke. I think we were drunk. Drunk on cake and ice cream more like. Said bye to my parents, then Mich and sher left. Had to do most of the cleaning up of my room after that.
Blessed Birthday Michele!
Went to school early early to sit for our last paper, the Chem paper. Michele had to go sit for a survey, so Shermaine and I and Jia Wen went to TPY interchange 1st to buy the cake (unknown to her) of her birthday.Mich was coming along to TPY at that point in time, so I( NO choice okay!) stuffed the cake into my crumpler bag, while I gave my jacket and pencil case to Shermaine to put in her bag. I had a cold cold back for the rest of the journey. Trooped to KFC later on for breakfast when Mich joined us. Sat down, and leaned back(mistake no.1) Felt the plastic box CRUNCH. Knew it was a mistake. Tried not to look too worried. Ate an American Wrap or something. Sat there for a while, then Estelle came and joined us. She started talking about some sleepover. Soon, Jia Wen and I felt like extras cos only Mich, Sher and Estelle were talking. So we went on to Guardian, which was next door. There was a white benchtop on the outside. I placed my crumpler there and opened my bag. Reached in a took out a squashed cake. A BADLY squashed cake. Thought we heard Mich and Sher coming out of KFC, so I squashed the cake back into my bag (mistake no. 2)Jia Wen started laughing. Then we went into guardian, and looked at the pregnancy kits, baby thermometers, anything to kill time.
Shortly, Mich and Sher came out of KFC and into Guardian. We walked to the interchange, where we said bye to Jia wen as Mich and Sher were coming to my house. Sat down at the stone marble benches and heard the cake inside my bag crumble again. By this time, Mich was getting mighty suspicious. So Sher let her in on the secret a bit, without revealing to her that a cake had been bought.The journey there was uneventful.
Upon reaching my house, I quickly grabbed the cake and placed it in the already full to bursting frige. (mistake no.3) I squashed the cake in as Mich was coming into the kitchen. Then shouted to Mich and Sher to go upstairs. Joined them soon after. Took a bath, then returned to my room, where the air con was on. Mich and Sher were watching some Korean show on the PSP which mich brought. Later, Mich started playing some 3D game, while sher and I campwhored. Out of the photos we took, only one survived Sher and my rating.
Wasted time playing offline games, then went down to the park. Played at the park for some time on the swings, where we campwhored to the max and took self initiated shots. Lots of unglam photos were also taken. One included Sher opening her coffeeshop( okay, not REALLY okay) and Mich's butt.
Bought a cup of Korean noodles at the minimart near my house, as well as a tub of ice cream. Went home and ate the korean noodles the unglam way. (slurping it up from a self made cup fashioned out of the cup noodle cover). Then all of us dug into (literally) the ice cream. Sher messaged me under the table to bring out the cake. I went into the kitchen, realised that there was 2 bags of things in the fringe. I remembered the cake was in a bag, so I opened the 1st bag and intended to bring it out. Then realised it was a bag of bean sprouts. Wasted precious time. Grabbed the squashed cake out of the fringe (minus the bag) and brought it into the dining room with a'happy birthday!' I'll never forget the look on Mich's face. The cake was squshed, badly squshed, with a portion sunk in. Urgh.
Took lots of videos of Mich and her cake. We lighted the cake, sang a happy birthday with it recorded on tape, then realised that the cake had only 14 candles. Sheepishly put another candle on it, relighted the cake. Then mich blew out the cake in my face, smoke and all. If I get lung cancer you know why.
Ate the cake. Mich took a LARGE portion. Then let her bring home the rest of the cake. We came back upstairs, and pretended we were DJs and sarted singing to the karaoke. I think we were drunk. Drunk on cake and ice cream more like. Said bye to my parents, then Mich and sher left. Had to do most of the cleaning up of my room after that.
Blessed Birthday Michele!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
God give me the strength to perform to the best of my ability
Even though some questions just show no mercy.
Give me the heart to do my best
And Iam sure that you'll me with the rest. Amen.
God give me the strength to perform to the best of my ability
Even though some questions just show no mercy.
Give me the heart to do my best
And Iam sure that you'll me with the rest. Amen.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hey! I know I shouldnt be online. But I better post my convo with my orthodontist in case it runs out of my mind:)
Dr Loh (DL) : Ju Lyn! You're next!
Me( gets up and walks in)
Dr Loh: Hello! How're you?
Me: Fine:)
DL: I saw your cousin the other day!
Me: thinks' I have only one cousin and her teeth are perfect!'
DL:Ohh sorry I mean your class mate.
Me: Ohhhh. yea. Grace is it?
DL: yes!
Me: Ohh haha yea she told me what happened to her even if you didnt! *smirks*
DL: Ahh what did she tell you?
Me: She told me that her teeth were 3 cm to the right and that she needed to extract2!
DL: Ya... ( a beat) MILLIMETRES LA!!!
Me: OH ya!! Oops! Not cm srry, mm!
DL: Goodness! 3 cm and I wont even know how to start correcting it!!
Me: (laughs)
DL: come come I better show you.. ( turns around and grabs a steel ruler and brings her thumb up to the 3cm mark)
DL: That's 3 cm! And Grace's mouth is going to be all twisted like this... (makes a funny face)
DL: Her teeth will be out of her mouth! ( another beat) does she really look lopsided to you?
Me: NO...
DL: Haha then??
Me: Can you help me put my phone on the table there pls?
DL:(takes phone from me)
Me(lies down)
DL: (reaches of mirror)
Me: (starts trembling)
DL: Why you fa dou? ( chinese word for shaking)
Me: THis is gonna hurt me to death man..
DL: Wont la! Trust me!(reaches into mouth with mirror again)
DL: I may have good news for you you know!
Me: thinks,Oh yea?
DL: MAYbe, MAYBE, MAYBE! If all goes well, then next year january or febuary you can take you already!
DL : No response?
Me: Oh.
DL: OHhh?
ME : ... ( too painful to speak)
DL : (to her assistant) I think this isnt julyn, its probably julyn's evil twin sister.. julan or julian or something..
Me: thinks, (thanks for disfiguring my name)
( Joyce ( the receptionist), Dr Yap( another dentist) walks in)
Me: Thinks, ' so many ppl'
DL: (to assistant) has julyn chosen her colour?
Assistant: Yep. Pink and purple
DL: AHhh..
DL: So bright
DL: (to assistant) can you pls give me the black wire?
me: thinks,' black wire?!'
DL: (turns around to bend wire)( A beat, 3 mins wait as I sit there doing nothing)
Joyce: Whoa pink ah..
ME: yup, because its not so obvious.
All together (DR Loh, who has now finished her bending, Dr Yap and Joyce and the now Dr Yong who just walked in) : HUH?!!!
Me: (alarmed by all the noise) Ya what..
Dr loh: Pink is obvious! Blue isnt! that what we've all thought?!
Joyce: Pink is obvious! Haha Julyn you colour blind ah?
Me: Hopefully not la:)
Dr Loh: (laughes)
Joyce: Eh!! HEr (me) mentos sweet handphone keychain so cute!
Dr Loh: (looks at it) :Ohya! SO real! CAn we eat it?
ME: You'll be eating cardboard then.
(all start laughing)
Dr Loh: Open up, Iam going to cut off the excess wire
( a snap sound as wire is broken)
Dr Loh: (places a pink rubber band onto bracket and accidently breaks it)
Dr LOh (to assistant): ANother pink band pls
DR LOh: ( to me) Pinkie!
ME: ???
Dr loh: DOne!
ME: (too shaken to speak)
Dr LOh: Julyn, ni bu yao zou!
Me: Sha hen daaaaaa!!
Dr LOh: ???!!!
Me: Nothing *grins*
Dr Loh: Oaky you're okay right? Dont turn blue on me! (grabs my arm and shakes it hard)
Me: Oaky Oaky, iam here:)
Dr Loh: Good! See you in 4 weeks time!
Me: Btw, dr loh, how do you floss teeth with braces?
Dr Loh: Use the floss threader?! you dont have?!!
ME: what's that??
Dr loh( pretends to slam onto table with shock): After 4 months you tell me that?!
Me: i use a toothpick
dr Loh: (standing up) DONT USE TOOTHPICK!
ME: OKAy oaky!
(walks out saying thank you)
( 10 mins wait for my dad)
dad walks in.
Me: Hey.
Dad: (goes to counter, gives credit card)
( a beat)
Dad (waves to dr loh whos inside the room)
Dr Loh walks out.
DL: Hello!
DAd: hi.
Me: Dr my wires are BLACK??
DL: Oh ya that's because its been heat treated.not by me, by elsewhere, then its harder this way.
Me: Ohh haha okay oaky :)
(Dr Yong, Dr Yap, Dr Heng walks out. Joyce is processing the card)
DL: So how, you looking forward to getting your braces off?
ME: Not quite. Iam going to miss you also D;
(everyone laughes)
Joyce is done with the credit card.
JOyce: here's your card, have a nice day!
Dr LOh: See you! Goodbye!
Me: Bye!
Walks out.
OMG. DR loh is super cute I promise. And to think I'll have another 3 more months left if all goes well. Sigh.
Dr Loh (DL) : Ju Lyn! You're next!
Me( gets up and walks in)
Dr Loh: Hello! How're you?
Me: Fine:)
DL: I saw your cousin the other day!
Me: thinks' I have only one cousin and her teeth are perfect!'
DL:Ohh sorry I mean your class mate.
Me: Ohhhh. yea. Grace is it?
DL: yes!
Me: Ohh haha yea she told me what happened to her even if you didnt! *smirks*
DL: Ahh what did she tell you?
Me: She told me that her teeth were 3 cm to the right and that she needed to extract2!
DL: Ya... ( a beat) MILLIMETRES LA!!!
Me: OH ya!! Oops! Not cm srry, mm!
DL: Goodness! 3 cm and I wont even know how to start correcting it!!
Me: (laughs)
DL: come come I better show you.. ( turns around and grabs a steel ruler and brings her thumb up to the 3cm mark)
DL: That's 3 cm! And Grace's mouth is going to be all twisted like this... (makes a funny face)
DL: Her teeth will be out of her mouth! ( another beat) does she really look lopsided to you?
Me: NO...
DL: Haha then??
Me: Can you help me put my phone on the table there pls?
DL:(takes phone from me)
Me(lies down)
DL: (reaches of mirror)
Me: (starts trembling)
DL: Why you fa dou? ( chinese word for shaking)
Me: THis is gonna hurt me to death man..
DL: Wont la! Trust me!(reaches into mouth with mirror again)
DL: I may have good news for you you know!
Me: thinks,Oh yea?
DL: MAYbe, MAYBE, MAYBE! If all goes well, then next year january or febuary you can take you already!
DL : No response?
Me: Oh.
DL: OHhh?
ME : ... ( too painful to speak)
DL : (to her assistant) I think this isnt julyn, its probably julyn's evil twin sister.. julan or julian or something..
Me: thinks, (thanks for disfiguring my name)
( Joyce ( the receptionist), Dr Yap( another dentist) walks in)
Me: Thinks, ' so many ppl'
DL: (to assistant) has julyn chosen her colour?
Assistant: Yep. Pink and purple
DL: AHhh..
DL: So bright
DL: (to assistant) can you pls give me the black wire?
me: thinks,' black wire?!'
DL: (turns around to bend wire)( A beat, 3 mins wait as I sit there doing nothing)
Joyce: Whoa pink ah..
ME: yup, because its not so obvious.
All together (DR Loh, who has now finished her bending, Dr Yap and Joyce and the now Dr Yong who just walked in) : HUH?!!!
Me: (alarmed by all the noise) Ya what..
Dr loh: Pink is obvious! Blue isnt! that what we've all thought?!
Joyce: Pink is obvious! Haha Julyn you colour blind ah?
Me: Hopefully not la:)
Dr Loh: (laughes)
Joyce: Eh!! HEr (me) mentos sweet handphone keychain so cute!
Dr Loh: (looks at it) :Ohya! SO real! CAn we eat it?
ME: You'll be eating cardboard then.
(all start laughing)
Dr Loh: Open up, Iam going to cut off the excess wire
( a snap sound as wire is broken)
Dr Loh: (places a pink rubber band onto bracket and accidently breaks it)
Dr LOh (to assistant): ANother pink band pls
DR LOh: ( to me) Pinkie!
ME: ???
Dr loh: DOne!
ME: (too shaken to speak)
Dr LOh: Julyn, ni bu yao zou!
Me: Sha hen daaaaaa!!
Dr LOh: ???!!!
Me: Nothing *grins*
Dr Loh: Oaky you're okay right? Dont turn blue on me! (grabs my arm and shakes it hard)
Me: Oaky Oaky, iam here:)
Dr Loh: Good! See you in 4 weeks time!
Me: Btw, dr loh, how do you floss teeth with braces?
Dr Loh: Use the floss threader?! you dont have?!!
ME: what's that??
Dr loh( pretends to slam onto table with shock): After 4 months you tell me that?!
Me: i use a toothpick
dr Loh: (standing up) DONT USE TOOTHPICK!
ME: OKAy oaky!
(walks out saying thank you)
( 10 mins wait for my dad)
dad walks in.
Me: Hey.
Dad: (goes to counter, gives credit card)
( a beat)
Dad (waves to dr loh whos inside the room)
Dr Loh walks out.
DL: Hello!
DAd: hi.
Me: Dr my wires are BLACK??
DL: Oh ya that's because its been heat treated.not by me, by elsewhere, then its harder this way.
Me: Ohh haha okay oaky :)
(Dr Yong, Dr Yap, Dr Heng walks out. Joyce is processing the card)
DL: So how, you looking forward to getting your braces off?
ME: Not quite. Iam going to miss you also D;
(everyone laughes)
Joyce is done with the credit card.
JOyce: here's your card, have a nice day!
Dr LOh: See you! Goodbye!
Me: Bye!
Walks out.
OMG. DR loh is super cute I promise. And to think I'll have another 3 more months left if all goes well. Sigh.
Friday, October 2, 2009
I just flipped through my SS book. Flipped through, mind you. Stopped at this picture of a army uniform. Is this what SS is about? Studying army suits? Studying the life of army guys? I dont see any link to SS as a subject at all. Seems like we know where the term 'army green' comes from now then.
Its exactly one week to EOYs. Sweating it? urghhh
Its exactly one week to EOYs. Sweating it? urghhh
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Okay. Dentist visit again on Monday. Don't you look forward to those funny convos? Haha. I do. :D
Okay. Here's what I plan to do:
Study (though I dont think I can)
AEP (choose my theme and do sketches)
Sometimes I just wanna burst. I cant take this, stress much, stress little, goodness, stressing myself hard through all these things are just going overboard. Was just talking to my cousin about my mental breakdown just yesterday night. Panicked and panicked cos I couldnt do my math. Aish. I wish, I wish I wish I had a older brother/sister to help me.
Okay. Here's what I plan to do:
Study (though I dont think I can)
AEP (choose my theme and do sketches)
Sometimes I just wanna burst. I cant take this, stress much, stress little, goodness, stressing myself hard through all these things are just going overboard. Was just talking to my cousin about my mental breakdown just yesterday night. Panicked and panicked cos I couldnt do my math. Aish. I wish, I wish I wish I had a older brother/sister to help me.
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