Imagine walking across a dirty mud track with only and electric wire on one side and a deep gorge on the other... shudder at the thought? well,we (2 classes from our level) went for a hike today.It was 16++ km in wilderness(80% of it ) and up Bukit Timah Hill, the summit. It was pretty.....awful and nice too, if u know what i mean. Fortunately for us, we had a ok trainer who (at least) knew the route we were taking...imagine if we didn't. See, the route was hard and full of poth holes in places u least expect. I still remember having to dig my fingers into the mud to try to keep a firm foothold on the slippery mud. To put it across more bluntly, I Didn't know the school would organise things like these for us. I mean, one wrong move and your dead and gone. Just like a good team should, we made silly mistakes,squabbled, and stuff etc... all in all, some of the most memorable moments were:
-how every one rushed for water.
-how we had to climb up a steep mud wall to get to our destination
-how some monkeys did a good job of delaying our group
-how we saw something really really sick...
-and how we took photos at the summit of Bukit Timah Hill to prove it. (i dont have the photos with me now cos only Divya had a camera and she's offline so she cant email it over.)
Yup, that's more of less what we did today, actually, the most distinct reminder of our trip are our aching legs. :)
I blog as a form of catharsis, so I'm not usually that emo a person. I just rarely post happy events.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
GYm is hard work...but fun stuff :)
Hi, Its good if u can get here, Iam changing my URL all the time so people who just wan to keep track of me find it harder to do so.Anyway, THe math is killing me, I cant get the concept of the whole matter and the a,b,c,d....IS SO hard ot grasp! We had conditioning for gym today, and its wasnt too bad..I mean i paired up with the B division captain... I probably din even have the strength to sit on her properly, I could see she was having really hard time trying to do with me as a partner, Maybe i should gain some weight. :) IT was easy on her though, I was light enough, But ya, sorry if i didnt do a great job of it all... Its ok partnering her, really.
Iam planning to put a password on this blog just like the blog-pro Stephenie.. So that I feel more relaxed about writing stuff just in case( IN CASE ) i offend people by accident. If i have, I am seriously sorry..ya..ok I GTG now..Bye :)
Iam planning to put a password on this blog just like the blog-pro Stephenie.. So that I feel more relaxed about writing stuff just in case( IN CASE ) i offend people by accident. If i have, I am seriously sorry..ya..ok I GTG now..Bye :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
THe problems with stuff
Ok. Lets take a vote. Who thinks i should stay in gym?
WHo thinks i shouldnt?
Okay seriously there's just too many things to do without already having to post, but still here I am,I know i havent posted for quite a long time so...... Anyway Iam still unsure as to whether i Should quit gym... Cos its a pretty difficult time for me in there... Even if i should quit , what can i join anyway? I think some people think i pulled string to get into Schoolteam, which is like, so not true cos I wasnt even thinking of getting into schoolteam anyway...It came as such a shock even weeks later Iam still feeling the aftermath of the whole incident... I wish the other people who are far better than me would understand, Its like i don even feel part of my own CCA! I hope the others in gym arent thinking iam too aloof to be friends with them. I really wan to be but i just can't seem to fit in! Its like, A square peg in a round hole..
As the saying goes, ' 50% of the people usually like u, but 50% do not' Its the same in gym, maybe not really, cos I really want my friends to accept me in... but....... I really envy the my friends (both in gym and otherwise) that they can be so natural in what they are doing...Its like a fish and a house, they don get along, not resemblence.
But anyhow, If i quit, all i've been doing is going to go down the drain.. Some people really think its only the CCA points which matter... they don even understand that there's more to the whole CCA matter?!
Ok. Lets take a vote. Who thinks i should stay in gym?
WHo thinks i shouldnt?
Okay seriously there's just too many things to do without already having to post, but still here I am,I know i havent posted for quite a long time so...... Anyway Iam still unsure as to whether i Should quit gym... Cos its a pretty difficult time for me in there... Even if i should quit , what can i join anyway? I think some people think i pulled string to get into Schoolteam, which is like, so not true cos I wasnt even thinking of getting into schoolteam anyway...It came as such a shock even weeks later Iam still feeling the aftermath of the whole incident... I wish the other people who are far better than me would understand, Its like i don even feel part of my own CCA! I hope the others in gym arent thinking iam too aloof to be friends with them. I really wan to be but i just can't seem to fit in! Its like, A square peg in a round hole..
As the saying goes, ' 50% of the people usually like u, but 50% do not' Its the same in gym, maybe not really, cos I really want my friends to accept me in... but....... I really envy the my friends (both in gym and otherwise) that they can be so natural in what they are doing...Its like a fish and a house, they don get along, not resemblence.
But anyhow, If i quit, all i've been doing is going to go down the drain.. Some people really think its only the CCA points which matter... they don even understand that there's more to the whole CCA matter?!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Change of blogskin
Hi, I think u know la, I've changed my blog skin, and now Iam having trouble putting in the games... :( and even worse, i cant link ppl! i've been trying real hard, but iam given a time limit here and i cant seem to get the links and the games working... sigh maybe its was my fault...I shouldnt have changed the blogskin...maybe that's why iam regretting now... i know the post i short la, but i cant think of anything else now... so see u ppl and all the best for the tests next week! :)

Hi people! haha i cant believe iam online at this one's online, and i cant blame them either cos its really very late... haha 1.10am. and i really have to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERIL!! MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY!!! :D we're going to celebrate AVeril's birthday at macdonald's tomorrow where we can discuss our group project at the same time. And i cant believe it, Its a blessing in disguise when Total defence day fell on AVeril's birthday celebration with the class. Mavis, Averil and i shared the brownie for recess... HAHa that was really nice of her since it was her brownie, her birthday, her desicion to give us the cake and her desicion to give me too since i had gym later on anyway... :D so...
happy bday to u, happy bday to u,
happy bday to AVERIL,
happy bday to u!
May the good Lord bless u, May the good Lord bless u,
May the good LOrd bless AVERIL,
MAy the good lord bless u...
If i got the words wrong pls tell me... k? thanks! :)
happy bday to u, happy bday to u,
happy bday to AVERIL,
happy bday to u!
May the good Lord bless u, May the good Lord bless u,
May the good LOrd bless AVERIL,
MAy the good lord bless u...
If i got the words wrong pls tell me... k? thanks! :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Math homework...Loads
Hi people... iam really bored... haha and actually, what would you really expect if we are given math homework everyday? Except for Friday cos there's no math,we have Math everyday and ima almost swimming in my homework! :-S and i think gym is really starting ot bite... i want to join in with the people adn really, well, be like one of them but i don think its really going ot work cos iam too...quiet. Oh ya, i don know if you remember but i wrote about '2 people who made use of me' in case some people are starting ot get suspicious, its really not about anyone who consider themselves my friends. sigh. I can't believe it la, Mavis has decided to come to school early! :D At least now i don have to stay in school in the morning alone now...haha. AEP homework also a lot la, I really envy u peopple who aren't in AEP and don have to work on self and group projects!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERIL!!!!!!:) (16th Feb )
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERIL!!!!!!:) (16th Feb )
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Popiah party
Hi everyone! Iam currently using my aunt's computer at her house for a popiah party... and its good( at least better than mine) cos my ALWAYS lags...Seriously. ANyway...Iam wiht me good friend here now.. Natalie,or Nat as i call her. Haha i can't believe that i met her along the same path cos I went to my aunt's church for balloon sculpturing. LOL and i really really REALLY want to go to church!!!!! :D Her sis, Natasha is aso ok la.. She kinda cute ( HAHa) and funny... LOL Anyway i GTG now cos i don wan to hold up the com for too long...HAHA :)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Going visiting + a special edition of someone whose's smart
Hey people! Iam really not supposed to be here la... We;re supposed to be leaving (going visiting) in like a few minutes time! haha...But my cousin is still feeding the dog..which is ok,i guess, they are taking the dog with us and it's a long time we don want the dog to go hungry!( Snowy's nice) and ya, iam talking to my cousin JJ Sarah now so... i cant believe we're going to have dinner later! ok, it sure sounds like iam low on food or something, but no la, its just that we hardly see each other and now's a great time for a reunion... so i really hope we can make the best out of what we do!
A sad fact: I dunno whether anyone has like, really REALLY REALLY smart cousins who did so well in school that i look like a beggar compared to a king( u get it) HOW?! its driving me up the wall, Iam telling u! Does anyone even empathise (however u spell) with the not-so-smart cousin?! Ok, let's be real. My Cousin is not only super nice, she's smart. I wish i just had a tiny portion of the really smart brain, to at least show that i am made of something! AM i really good at something? i dunno...... Iam going to be dead..there's test after test after test!!!!!!! AhHHHHH! :(
A sad fact: I dunno whether anyone has like, really REALLY REALLY smart cousins who did so well in school that i look like a beggar compared to a king( u get it) HOW?! its driving me up the wall, Iam telling u! Does anyone even empathise (however u spell) with the not-so-smart cousin?! Ok, let's be real. My Cousin is not only super nice, she's smart. I wish i just had a tiny portion of the really smart brain, to at least show that i am made of something! AM i really good at something? i dunno...... Iam going to be dead..there's test after test after test!!!!!!! AhHHHHH! :(
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My Cousin, Her dog, And the new year...
Hi everyone and a happy new year again! :) There's a lot to do during new year always. Like today, We went round to relatives houses( collecting angpaos in the process) and had pretty much of a good time... cos i always enjoy going to my cousin's house, JJ.rah. SHe's pretty nice but a bit quiet..haha so am i think..anyway, She has a nice Shih Tzu dog whose name is Snowy( or Snowey) and Its also very 'licky' u know what i mean la. :) Andway i had a whale of a time eating lots of food and drinks(coconut which was a bit hard but that happened to be an exceptional) and all sorts of other stuff.. u know the usual during new year. I wasnt wearing red..(haha i don wan to look like a angpao just yet) and I suppose everyone else in the community also had their fair share of the once-a-year excitement.
But for my case, Its was far from over when we returned home. I had to endure,like, 37 mins fo TOTAL NON-STOP RUNNING!!!!!!! I thnk its a bit nuts la, but since its my dad who makes me run i cant say anything...... :( NVN la its always over in the AGain,wishing everyone a prosperous and blessed new year ahead!!!! :D
But for my case, Its was far from over when we returned home. I had to endure,like, 37 mins fo TOTAL NON-STOP RUNNING!!!!!!! I thnk its a bit nuts la, but since its my dad who makes me run i cant say anything...... :( NVN la its always over in the AGain,wishing everyone a prosperous and blessed new year ahead!!!! :D
Heys! :) HAppy Chinese New Year everyone! Its so cool to see everyone dressed up in red, or in pink walking around in the streets looking just like a huge angpao. Not really, in some cases people think Its way too funny to look 'cute' at this point in time and so they wear jeans... LOL! I am being dragged to go visiting this new year... again...and this chinese new year is special for me. Its a way things turn out, the fact that everyone is taliking about this red year and how this year is going to turn out the best...blah blah blah.. they say that every year and there always turns out ot have some crisis later on in the year, like in 2004,we had the sars... LOL..
SOrry iam being lame la, its cos my relatives are here and lunch is not ready so ... u know iam starting ot get bored.. and lame at the same time. I think i don have training for gym.. but i do know that there's conditioning on Monday for all (schoolteam) members so ya la...
BTW, iam still feeling a little shocked that i got into schoolteam.. iam like the worst now! What to do... I badly wanted to join the band but they don accept sec 2s... but its really ok la, I just want the gym people to be a little bit more friendly.. Iam just quiet cos that's my nature! No one can really expect me to talk the head off a horse in someplace i don really know rite?! Of course iam not blaming the gym people, they may think that iam just unfriendly cos i don wanna talk, but that's so not true! My true friends know that.. and i hope more people will too...
Also, HAPPY BIRHTDAY AVERIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Mavis and her deleted Blog :'(
(SOb*) Mavis!!!! WHy did u delete your blog?! u know what i really loved it u know! And just because u ruined your skin doesnt men that u have to delete it! MAVis!!!! ok, ppl i think u are beginning to think that Iam nuts la just because Mavis deleted her blog Iam practically going crazy! Some background knowledge u'd like to know about why iam so nuts... Mavis was pretty kind to me( helping me to create my blogskin and all) and she created it to get me going. I wish she would re create, but i have to admit if i force her( i WOnt, Don worry !) she won be too happy and so would i. Anyway, WHy am i screaming?! Its a perfectly free world...Goodness.. iam beginning to think iam talking ot myself , myself between two different feelings..Yeah i sure am beginning to feel a little freaked out myself( No wonder Samantha(Sam) finds me freaky/weird/wadever! ) sigh...HIstory test coming... and i DIN bring back my textbook!! iam so unsure of myself even la... Help is what i need..really!!!!!
Things About things...
Yeah i got my cbox back!! Yahoo! haha i know iam lame but its not really easy to contain how u feel if u've been wanting something very much for a seriously long time! ( if i were to get something really nice like Averil's wallet, i would probably scream and shout and hit the roof! Seriously! i love her wallet THAT much ... LOL )ok, lets see, When's history test? monday? too bad i din bring my textbook back anyway...... And rite now Mavis i MSNing me like crazy... She really nice la, so i don mind... but if someone i din like triend to take advantage...well...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Oh Help!!!!!!:(
Oh Great!!! THere goes my Tagboard again! Where exactly we supposed to copy and paste our cbox code to? ( i know its inside the HTML box but where and which line exactly?) I really feel like punching this thing la, its annoying me to death! What with the amount of practise i have for gym rite now... Its ok really! i cant escape from it although training is tough...i really wish people in gym would understand me though.. I really feel stressed in gym sometimes... cos i think iam simply expecting too much of myself... everyone else had a year of training and i only have 3 weeks?! Why doesnt anyone understand me through my tears... iam shy cos iam new, embarassed cos iam not as good as the others, alone cos no one really talks and stressed cos i cant get used to this new enviornment!
Hiya ppl, iam seriously pissed rite now cos my whole message (really really long) just got deleated smack like that! i really cant be bothered to write such a long one again so bye!!!!!!!!!!! :@
The amazing Science and Geog test... Not
Hiya u ppl! i just recreated this blog( Thanks to my dear friend Mavis ) and its pretty ok so far except for the fact that there is no tagboard , which is considered pretty bad la, cos i think the tagboard is most important here. sigh we had an awful Geog and science test today and the effect was bad. I mean i find it ok for science, but i don think Science was too good. Cos our teacher told us that we were supposed to memorise the chemical formula and my friends and i ( ok, Averil, Mavis and Divya )all memorised ONLY yhe chemical formula and u can guess la, when the test paper came out our eyes practically bulged out.(well i dunno about the others, but i DO know mine did) cos i din't have much idea on What to write! That was only like, the start of the whole nightmare. I got so tense that i started perspiring on the spot and found it hard to breathe. My mind went"Blank!" and although i worked pretty hard to get those formulae into my head, i could remember simple stuff like what Pb2+ was, and it was the easiest one to remember! Do u? (ok, its actually Lead).
THe rest of the test passed pretty much in a blur, and i stayed back for a while to study with Mavis( Or rather,work on this blog in the computer lab). I think i don have to mention the teacher in charge of the library( to save my aching fingers, lets call this teacher TCL). She one kind of a person u really wouldnt like to meet. She's got a forever upturned mouth and this small ,beady eyes made even smaller by her large owl glasses. (haha) . iam pretty frightened by my discipline mistress too. She's a little like a time bomb mixed with a enraged rhinoceros... Its seriously no joke. What would u do if u met an enraged rhinoceros? climb up a tree and stay there till she passes? i would. No one, in the right state of mind, would want to meet her in an annoyed state. well, i guess she sure does her job well as a discipline mistress, she rules the school with an iron fist.
Anyway, iam seriously bored now( i bet u can tell from the way iam rattling on) anyone who managed to read to this point of my blog entry withour falling asleep is really,truly a genius! sigh... :) Ps, THis is my longest,ever writen blog! Yahoo!! :)
THe rest of the test passed pretty much in a blur, and i stayed back for a while to study with Mavis( Or rather,work on this blog in the computer lab). I think i don have to mention the teacher in charge of the library( to save my aching fingers, lets call this teacher TCL). She one kind of a person u really wouldnt like to meet. She's got a forever upturned mouth and this small ,beady eyes made even smaller by her large owl glasses. (haha) . iam pretty frightened by my discipline mistress too. She's a little like a time bomb mixed with a enraged rhinoceros... Its seriously no joke. What would u do if u met an enraged rhinoceros? climb up a tree and stay there till she passes? i would. No one, in the right state of mind, would want to meet her in an annoyed state. well, i guess she sure does her job well as a discipline mistress, she rules the school with an iron fist.
Anyway, iam seriously bored now( i bet u can tell from the way iam rattling on) anyone who managed to read to this point of my blog entry withour falling asleep is really,truly a genius! sigh... :) Ps, THis is my longest,ever writen blog! Yahoo!! :)
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